Peace and Quiet, At Least For a Moment.

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ok but why is this so similar to "In Safe Hands" pls i literally wrote that TWO YEARS AGO

i literally dont change 👁️👁️





"Oh, Hels!" Loki cursed as he struggled between the past, present and the future jumbling in his mind for both a second and an eternity. His body stretched between two planes of existence, travelling in and out of the sacred timeline.

It was a grotesque thing to watch Loki contort himself like... that. Mobius couldn't describe it. He could barely understand what he was seeing. It was like Loki's body had been pulled and kneaded like dough, flesh and bone squelching through time and space. It was horrific. His back arching whilst he screamed in agony. Mobius could hear all of it.

The God of Mischief would be gone for one moment, and he would return just as quickly, looking twice as bad. Loki heaved in breaths in a futile attempt to steady himself on whatever plane of existence his body decided to land on.

Mobius tries to steady Loki with an outstretched arm. He grasps whatever railing is closest to him in the cramped elevator they were in. Loki was silently thankful to feel a solid floor after some time. He felt his knees lock into place, finally standing straight.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Loki asks Mobius through heaving breaths. Gods, he looks so much worse than a few moment ago. Mobius had to make a decision then and there. To lie or to speak the truth.

Grumbling annoyances, he chose to speak the truth. Well, a semblance of it, at least. Mobius runs a hand through his hair, his other placed habitually on his hip. "Well... I'm not saying it's the absolute worst but-"

Loki made a face. An incredulous one. "What? You said it wasn't that bad?"

Mobius sighed in resignation. "Why don't you ask them?" He motioned over to the absolutely terrified intern who had the misfortune of joining the two of them in the elevator.

Loki needed no further explanation after looking at the intern's face.

"It's fine," he says with a wry smile. "I can handle it."

As Loki finished his sentence, he was forced into time and space for what felt like the fiftieth time today.

What's peculiar though, he wasn't in the TVA anymore, unlike all the other times he unceremoniously landed in the past.

No, after his body stretched and pulled from sludge to solid matter, he landed on grass. Soft grass, he noted. The air didn't smell stuffy anymore. Wind gently greeted Loki's hair, his locks flowed ever so slightly in the air. It felt refreshing, almost. Loki felt like he could breathe again, after the stench of ink and printed paper had plagued his lungs and nose for a number of weeks.

If his body hadn't just been ripped through time and space, he could almost feel comforted by the sudden change of scenery.


Considering his circumstances, the temptation for comfort only led to more pain and suffering. So, he wouldn't allow himself to feel comfort, no matter how appealing it sounded to him. Not now, certainly not for a while.

"Can I help you?" A voice shouted from a distance. It wasn't malevolent or threatening at all, which made Loki all the more paranoid.

He didn't answer.

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