Where Am I? (Harry Potter x MCU AU)

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This is such a long fic I'm so sorry

But I guess this is my payment after a week and a half of not updating...

Please forgive the many many many inaccuracies

One moment you were stood inside the ministry re-taking your apparition test for a licence, the second you were in a cell with a man dressed in green.

You felt like you wanted to puke your guts out, you don't even know how far the distance you travelled or how you arrived in this place, because you know damn well you didn't image this as your destination in your head.

Now all you know is nausea and blinding white light.

You dropped to the ground on your knees, your wand still in your hand. Your whole world was spinning.

You gagged and choked and coughed on your own saliva, before shaking your head like a dog to perhaps get rid of the ringing in your ears and gather some of your senses back. You sniffed and blinked before standing up carefully, clutching your wand tightly.

“Where am I?” You pointed your wand at the man in the corner, his book long forgotten as he stared at you with bewilderment and amazement.

“I should be the one asking questions, my dear.” the man said cockily.

“Have I entered the muggle realm on accident? Is this one of those movie sets?” you asked.


“Yeah. Like non-magic users. Are you one of them?”

“I very much possess magic.” he replied a little offended and finally shut his book.

“Then where am I?” you asked demandingly.

“Asgard. Specifically the dungeons.”

Your eyebrows creased. “Asgard? Like the mythological realm? I think you're messing with me, buddy.”

“Who are you then? How did you get into my cell?” he asked.

You told him your name. “A witch. Graduated from Hogwarts. Future Auror.”

“Are you Midgardian by any chance?”


“Ah, magic still exists, I see.” He turned to you. “Now, get out.”

“What? Tell me where I am first.”

“I just did. Now get out before I call the guards.” he threatened.

When you didn't budge, he began to shout for the guards and so you instinctively (maybe dumbly?) grabbed his arm and disapparated from the cell.

You arrived at a random forest, still close enough to see the grand palace of Asgard. You were relieved that you didn't tear your body to pieces, nor did Loki's. You weren't even sure you were going somewhere, you just imagined trees and hoped for life.

This was so not right in so many ways.

“So you weren't lying.” you mumbled to yourself in astonishment as you gazed upon the tall golden castle.

“What did you do?” he asked exasperatedly, patting himself clean of dirt.


“As much as I wanted to escape that cell, this definitely wasn't one of my many plans.” he said and magically changed his clothes into something that looked more durable and replaced his slippers with hiking boots.

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