Finally Free (Thomas Sharpe x Reader)

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This is gonna be a soft one folks
tw // vomiting

Awakening in a hospital bed was definitely peculiar, specially if you don't remember getting there in the first place. All you remembered was walking through ankle deep snow with Carmichael on your left and Thomas on your right in an attempt to escape the manor of which Lucille Sharpe now haunts.

You figured you passed out the moment they set you on the mattress. Your tongue felt heavy and your head felt fuzzy. Nothing seemed to be recognizable, except for the obvious fact that they had you and Thomas lay next to each other in separate beds. Your eyes were still a bit blurry, but you make out his sleeping form with curly black hair and a bandaged shoulder.

Alan is probably in another room, getting stitched together after getting stabbed by Thomas. He got lucky it was Thomas and not Lucille, he'd probably not be alive right now if Thomas hadn't injured him where it was the least threatening.

Someone was looming over you now, you could only make out their bright white jacket. It must be a doctor, you thought. He checked your temperature and luckily you weren't burning up.

“You were poisoned in small dosages, so it might take a while to fully clean it out of your system. Please don't be alarmed if you feel like you're about to vomit. Just let it happen, alright?” said the doctor.

You nodded and already felt yourself gag. Luckily there was a bucket on both sides of your bed so there was no mess when you eventually had to vomit.

Your retching woke Thomas from his slumber. He groaned as he was trying to sit up.

“You're finally awake.” he said with relief.

“‘Finally’ why? How long have we been here?” you asked and wiped your mouth with a damp handkerchief that was on a tray near you.

“Two days. You've been asleep for two whole days.”

“Oh goodness.” You slumped into your bed.

“Your breathing was luckily very stable, so the doctors didn't have to worry twice as I did.”

“I'm surprised you had room to worry for me. Given how unfortunate your circumstances are too.” You said and looked to him.

“It is impossible not to worry when I could've prevented so many bad happenings. The guilt will eat me away for eternity I'm afraid.”

“What's done is done, Thomas. You'll only hurt yourself if you look back. I'm sure you'll learn to forgive yourself one day, as I have partially forgiven you already.”

He didn't speak a word, but his eyes were hopeful when he looked at you. The hurt in them wasn't directed to you, it was directed to himself.

“Carmichael is in another room I'm afraid. But the doctors did say he is healing beautifully.” said Thomas.

“That is good. Very good.” You were about to say something more but that gagging feeling behind your throat made it impossible. You had to retch in front of Thomas which was a tad embarrassing. You turned away from him to wipe your mouth clean.

“I'm sorry you have to see me like this.” you said to him.

“No, it's alright. You are recovering.” His tone was comforting and if you were a bit closer you're sure he'd gently rub your back.

The next day turned out to be much brighter than yesterday. You vomited less and had an appetite to eat food that wasn't sludgy porridge. Thomas had to have his bandages changed and wounds cleaned, the doctor also said his injuries are healing quite quickly which was very fortunate. The doctor also noticed the color return more to your skin. And so you hoped you'd be out of this place by tomorrow.

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