Palace Libraries

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It was rare for Loki to make a trip to the palace library. He usually had his servants do it for him. But today, almost all of them were equipped somewhere else, given the fact that the Yule ball was coming up. Loki made the frustrating walk from his royal chambers to the library. He could've put it off for another day out of sheer laziness but he desperately needed a specific volume of archives.

Thankfully the walk wasn't that far since his chambers was in the same wing. He entered the library and went to the front desk which was unusually occupied by young looking thing.

“How might I help you, Your Highness?” Your posture was incredibly casual which rubbed Loki the wrong way. Your nose was stuck in a book before speaking to him, your legs were also crossed across the desk before you opened your mouth.

“The royal archives. Volume 13. The Vanir-Æsir war.” he demanded.

“Sure. Follow me.” You hopped off your seat and beckoned Loki to follow you in the deep deep hallways of the library. Many of the bookcases far from the front didn't have any labels, it was a marvel that you memorized each and every section at your age.

You arrived at a particularly dusty set of bookcases. All of the books there were fragile and almost moldy from age and lack of care.

“Volume 13 should be right... Here!” You pulled the book from the shelf carefully. “It's a tad dusty. I'll wipe it down for you at my desk.” you said and returned to your desk when you saw Loki was satisfied with what you pulled out for him.

“Did the previous librarian resign?” Loki asked while you were wiping down the book.

You shook your head. “They retired, actually.”

“And you're the new palace librarian?” Loki questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Obviously,” you grinned, tucking both of your hands behind your back.

“At your age?”

“I'm in the belief that you, Prince Loki and I are close in age. I don't see why you're questioning.”

Loki said nothing more and left satisfied with his book.

You sat back in your seat, crossing your legs on the desk before sticking your nose back into a book. This was why you took the job. You get to be surrounded by books and you get to read them on your free time whilst getting paid. Yes you had to organize various documents too but that only occurs during special occasions.

“You are a brave one.” One of the servants who was cleaning the desks said to you after quite some time.

“How?” you asked.

“Everyone is terrified of Prince Loki.” they said factually.

“Yes, I've heard. And I really don't understand why. He's just as Asgardian as the rest of us. I don't see why we have to fear him. I mean, look at Prince Thor!” you explained nonchalantly.

“But you forget, he's the Trickster God.”

“Yes, I know.” you smiled at them.

The servant shook their head at you and continued on with their work.

The next day came around and as usual, you were in your seat, reading a new book. The library had been quiet for a while until the doors creaked loudly to announce Loki's presence once more. His footsteps echoed as he marched towards your post.

“Archives. Volume 14. Jotun-Æsir war.” he spoke demandingly.

You put down your book and uncrossed your legs from the table. You stood up and looked him in the eye.

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