You're So Warm

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I'm currently obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3 and everything Dungeons and Dragons.

Therefore, you all must suffer with me.

Just for context:

Loki is an Arcane Trickster Rogue, Variant Human with MASSIVE cold resistance

(I'm bending rules)

And you're a Human Sorcerer :>






"You're not being particularly helpful right now!"

"It's not my fault you lack a survival gene."

"Gods! I hope I freeze to death and the rest of the party condemns you for my murder."

You grumbled more curses beneath your breath as you tightened your coat over your body.

You didn't mean to be separated from your party. And, you didn't intend to be left behind with Loki (of all people).

Everything would've been alright if it hadn't been for... For, well, the fucking dragon that slammed its tail so hard into the ground, it split the hill you were travelling on in half.

Worst part, it was because of your party's Warlock. Lockley the fucking Damned, people called him. He made a faulty pact with a being named Muspel, whom he insisted that he absolutely did not know that the bastard could turn into an all-powerful dragon that could smite him worse than any paladin he had ever come across.

Suffice to say, your party was pretty pissed after knowing that you all had to be wary with an all-powerful being hot on your trail at all times.

But, none of you had the heart to make Lockley leave your party (aside from Loki). He needed you all, and you still needed him in combat.

Yesterday, Muspel decided to pick up his pace and give Lockley a little scare to hold up his end of the bargain.


You all know what happened next.

As the hill was split in perfect halves, you and Loki had to go around the newly formed ravine to catch up with the rest of the party once they've set up camp at the next "safe" area.

Three days.

It has been three days nonstop of travelling with the absolute worse person in your party.

Every single time he opens his mouth, it gives you unspeakable angry hives that crawled on the surface area of your skin.

You hated Loki. He was distrusting and untrustworthy. Luckily, you haven't been jumped by any thieves or any other assailants along the way, out of fear that Loki might not have got your back.

Now that you didn't have the protection of the others, you weren't entirely sure if you could take him in a fight should he choose to turn on you.

"If I had known that we would be going through a snow storm, I wouldn't have sold my woolen coat at the markets." You were only in a tunic tucked in your pants, with a light coat overtopping it. The leather gloves you had on your hands had long been singed since you became proficient in casting burning hands.


If you had just rested a little bit longer at your last stop, you could've made yourself warmer than you are now.

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