Cold Mornings

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And different to my recent fics, this one is short :)

The first warning sign was that Loki was a little bit more groggy today. He would often space out and stare off into the distance and it would take a longer time to capture his attention. You've lost count on how many times you had to snap him back into the present moment.

The second was that he was slower than usual. Earlier in the gym, the both of you were doing your usual sets of cardio and weights. He was alright in the first half, but in the second half, where the both of you had to spar, you noticed his punches and dodges and blocks were heavier and lazier, not as swift and graceful on a normal day.

The third happened the next day, where early in the morning, you heard him sniffle. You thought none of it until he sneezed. Full on sneezed. That was weird. Because Loki didn't have any allergies than can be caused by Midgardian things.

He felt warmer and looked paler that day.

“Loki, you're warm.” you pointed out a little shocked and concerned when you touched his forehead.

“Then will you please leave me?” Loki asked in a raspy and nasally voice. He was laying in bed in a warm long sleeved shirt with the covers tightly hugging him from neck to toe. “I don't mean it in a rude way, darling. I just am a little... I suppose... Under the weather. And I don't want you catching whatever the Hel I have.”

“I thought Thor said Jotnar and Midgardians can't contract each other's illnesses because of the differences in physiology?”

“Yes he did. I even helped him do research for it, but—”

“Then I'm not going,” You sat on his side of the bed. “We'll reverse the roles this time. I'll be the one to take care of you.”

Loki began to get out of his cocoon of covers to sit up and protest, his mouth already hung open to argue. But you did not let him.

“I don't wanna hear any arguments. I'll do for you what do did for me the last time okay?”

“I suppose it is only fair for you to do so.”

“I hope you know I'm not doing this to repay you. I'm gonna take care of you because I want to. And because I love you.”

Loki grinned tiredly when he heard the last three words escape your mouth.

“I will never get tired of hearing you say those words.” he whispered fondly, more so to himself than to you.

“I'm glad,” You smiled and leaned in to kiss his forehead sweetly. You then got up from your seat to travel into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Loki and of course youself as well.

It was nothing special, just warm oatmeal with honey and fruits on top. You also made him green tea with lemon to further warm him.

You came in the bedroom carrying a tray with two bowls, one for you and one for him.

“I made you green tea with lemon.” You smiled.

You placed the tray in front of Loki's lap when he sat up straight, then turned on the television and switched it to Netflix so you can eat comfortably while watching one of Loki's favorite films.

The movie was half way through when you and Loki settled for a more relaxed position in each other's arms. The tray with empty plates were being washed in the dishwasher and Loki's cup of green tea has been refilled twice at this point.

Loki sneezed and jerked his face away from you discreetly.

“Do you need anything?” you asked in a concerned tone.

“No, no,” said Loki, pulling a handkerchief from thin air to blow his nose with. “I'm alright.”

“Are you sure?”

Loki grinned lazily at you and made the now dirty handkerchief disappear.

“Yes, my sweet. All I require is for you to stay in bed with me.” He kissed your forehead reassuringly.

You nodded and sunk your head back into his chest.

Minutes passed and the soft dialogue from the movie filled the air comfortingly.

Loki clicked his tongue.

“I do need something.” he said.

You immediately raised your head from his warm chest.

“Tell me, anything.”

“A kiss, please.”

You shook your head and smiled at his request. You leaned in and gave his cheek a little peck.

“There.” you said when you sat back.

“Not quite.”

You leaned in and kissed his forehead sweetly.

Loki bit his lower lip in mock thoughtfulness then shook his head. “Still not satisfied, try harder darling.”

You then gave his nose a little peck.


You rolled your eyes and gave in, kissing him softly on the lips. Loki seemed to relax when your lips touched his.

He still had that dreamy and adoring glaze over his eyes when you looked at him once you've parted. A goofy and boyish smile appeared on his face when you held his chin by your fingertips.

“Better?” you asked.

“Much.” He grinned widely.

okay that's it I hope you enjoyed this short little piece :)))

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