-Chapter 17: She's awake-

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                             -She's awake-

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-She's awake-

"Hey Chuck what's going on?" Robyn ran over to the boy who was staring at the tower, the others following closely behind.

"Girls are awesome!" he giggled, pointing into the distance.

Robyn followed his hand, revealing chaos.

A large group of boys were holding objects above their head, protecting them from what was being thrown down the tower.

"Leave me alone!" A girls voice echoed through the glade.

"Oh my god. I love her already!"

They all scurried over to the other boys, who were defending themselves with anything they could find.

"Hey" Gally roared up to the girl,"Throw any more of them things and i-"

He was cut off by a can hitting the top of his head. Robyn tried her best not to burst out into laughter at the sight.

'Karmas a bitch' she smiled to herself.

She spotted Newt in the crowd, his hand over his face. She chuckled as she made her way over to his side.

"Looks like you're having fun. Maybe I should have done this when i came up!" She peered up, her hand over her eyes, blocking the sun.

His face softened at the sound of her voice.

"If you had done this, i wouldn't have been your friend"

"Oh really?" She messed his hair.

The objects were still falling and Robyn noticed a plank of wood on the floor. She lifted it up and held it above the pair.

A Tomato flew down, crashing on their plank. It was a good job she got it, she had only washed her hair yesterday.

"I don't think she likes us very much!" Newt half giggled due to nerves.

"Awe how could she not like you" She cooed, to which he rolled his eyes at playfully.

"We just want to talk!" Thomas screamed, hoping she would hear.

"I'm warning you!" The girl bellowed down, her hand appearing through the gaps in the wooden wall, dropping more items.

"Take cover y'all, take cover" A boy declared.

"Hey, woah, woah!" Thomas yelled, dodging the flying objects, "It's Thomas , It's Thomas"

Robyn looked over him tilting her head and blinking rapidly with narrowed eyes.

"How's that going to work?" As soon as she finished speaking, the hurling of things stopped, and Robyn noticed a head peer over the balcony.

"Oh wow, it worked!" Robyns said, her voice full of surprise.

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