-Chapter 18: Time to Confess-

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                          -Time to Confess-

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                          -Time to Confess-

When Minho came to collect the gladers in the medjack hut, he was greeted with loud laughs.

"What's going on in here then?"

Robyn turned around to see her best-friend stood at the door. She couldn't hide the smile on her face. Robyn and Chuck had been getting to know Teresa but it quickly turned into jokes being told by the young boy. His quick and witty statements left the girls unable to breathe.

"Chuck happened!" She held her stomach, trying not to burst out laughing.

Teresa and Chuck shared a glance, big smiles on their faces.

"Well we are sorted out there, come on everyone's waiting,"

The other three pulled themselves off their chairs and began to make their way out. Robyn ran her hand down her low ponytail, which felt like large clumps of knotted hair. She groaned before she spoke,

"Can i please go fix my hair before we go to them?"

Minho rolled is eyes as he held the door open for her, "Yeah it does look bad," He examined it, "You should go and tidy it up you ugly shank,"

Robyn grabbed him, pulling him down. She ruffled his beloved hair so it was a mess on his head.

"Awe yours does too," she faked a frown.

Minho's heart dropped, "Not the hair!"

He put his hand on Robyn's face, pushing her away whilst he laughed at her.

"How do you like that shank?" He giggled.

Twisting his hand, she managed to break free but was panting heavily.

"I hate you!" she said, pulling a fake angry face. "Anyways,Teresa come with me," She grabbed her hand and lead her to the homestead.

Once the pair had made it to the brunette's bedroom, Robyn began searching for her hairbrush.

When she found it on her bedside table, she pulled her hair out of the bobble and began pulling it up into a high pony. Robyn's hair was very thick and had a natural wave to it.

"I love your hair, it's so thick" Teresa gushed.

"It's probably because the hair brushes that come up in the box are shocking and so are the hair ties. This!" she waved her hair about ,"It's probably all matted underneath."

After Robyn had perfected her hair, she handed the brush to Teresa. Teresa had similar hair to Robyn. It was also thick and had a small wave. However, it was more frizzy and darker.

"Hey hold on , i have something we can wear,"

Robyn rushed to her drawers and pulled out two daisy chains.

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