-Dance with me-

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a/n This is long before Thomas and chuck came up in the box.

Grey clouds had been forming in the glade sky since the break of dawn. Every glader suspected a day of heavy rain fall, but that hadn't occurred yet. As Robyn lay alone by her special tree, reading yet another book that came up with the new greenie just a few days before, she would take a pause every few minutes to look up at the dull sky above.It made her feel miserable inside. Looking at the glade without the sun, made it look boring and ancient, with very little life. The grass didn't look the same and neither did the water. She hated days like this.

The brunette slumped her head back onto the trunk of the tree, a few dried up leaves falling around her. It was that season again were everything was stripped of colour and faded. The flowers had all died and the trees were becoming bare. It had a large impact on the glade family, they weren't as joyous or happy. Most of them would just eat, sleep, work and then repeat. Boring days in Robyn's eyes.

"There you are" The voice of a certain blonde boy caught her off guard, "I've been looking for you everywhere"

Robyn gently curved over the corner of her page, before placing the book down softly onto the grass beside her, "And you didn't look here first?"

Newt chuckled softly as he slowly slumped down beside Robyn, his hair gently blowing in the wind, "I have no idea why I didn't"

"Do you even know me at all blondie?" Robyn jokingly teased him, pushing on his arm.

"Hmm you tell me" He sent the girl a cheesy grin, which always caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach.

"I say you know enough about me" Robyn laughed as she rested her head onto the boy's shoulder.

The boy instinctively wrapped his arm around her, shuffling her closer. The two best friends had the closest bond in the glade and no one dared to question it.

"Sooooo....have you been reading again?"  Newt asked, rubbing his hand up and down her arm.

"How did you know?" Robyn said sarcastically.

"Hmmm" Newt pretended to think, "I definitely didn't see you close the book as I came over"

"Oh did you now?" Robyn laughed, snuggling closer to the blonde boy.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" Robyn questioned, looking up at Newt.

The boy looked down, his brown eyes staring into hers, "Shut your book when someone comes along"

Robyn lifted up from his arms so she could face him better. She crossed her legs, whilst the boy twisted his body and grabbed the book beside her. She didn't open it, she just held it in her arms.

"I have to read alone, when it's quiet" Robyn explained, "I can't read with noise"

"I'm surprised you are able to find peace in this place" Newt rubbed his red nose that was cold from the icy wind around them, "I unfortunately can't"

"That's because you're second in command" Robyn smiled, "You're important around here"

"And so are you" Newt glanced over, his eyes shining.

"Pfffft" Robyn snorted, "I do nothing all day"

"But you make everyone happy. When you're around everyone instantly lightens up"

"Only because i have these" Robyn pointed to her chest for obvious reasons.

The blonde boy didn't look down, but his cheeks began to blush. He cleared his throat before he replied, "That's not the case"

The promise | Newt fanfic| book one|Where stories live. Discover now