-chapter 1: before him-

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TW- depression/ suicide/ attempt

                               -Before him-

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-Before him-

Robyn. Day 17 in the place they called 'the glade'. She felt lost. She felt empty. She felt alone. Laying in her hammock, a single tear trickled down her face. The pain inside was indescribable. She wasn't injured physically, more mentally. She didn't know who she was. Just a girl named Robyn, surrounded by 30 or so boys or 'gladers' as they called themselves and 4 large stone walls , laced in ivy. Darkness covered the glade, only the shadow of a candle dancing across the walls could be seen. Silence fell. Everyone sleeping. She knew this was the day.
The sun reached the top of the maze walls and shone brightly into the glade. Robyn forced herself to get up extra early , even before the runners. No one could be awake, or the plan wouldn't work. She can't be seen. The boys around her tossed and turned in their hammocks as she grabbed her combat boots over her feet and prepared to leave. Her hands reached the machete that was resting underneath her hammock. Tucking it into her waist band, she set off across the glade. The noise of the walls opening rippled through the maze as she made her way towards them. Once at the foot of the opening, she glanced behind her to the oblivious gladers. They didn't know and hopefully it would stay that way. She couldn't continue like this.

Her feet smacked the floor as she ran. The breeze drifted through her long brown locks. She didn't have a clue about the maze. Only the warnings from an asian boy called 'Minho'. She rarely spoke to any of the gladers , they paid little attention to her. Only Minho and Frypan. Short, sweet conversations. The rest looked down on her, she was a girl. Some saw her as useless, weak, stupid. Some took advantage of her , comments too vile to say. She couldn't live there any longer , being seen as an 'object'. she had to leave.

Her overthinking had led her far away from the glade and deep into the maze. Across from her stood a large wall , covered in ivy.
"That's tall enough," she thought
Her fingers rested on the machete by her side. She had to climb it.

Her hands pulled her up as she reached the top. The floor of the maze was a long way down. To test her theory she threw the machete down to the bottom. It glided through the air until it crashed at the bottom and shattered. It would work. Her feet slowly guided her to the edge, where she stood staring. The sun burned her shoulders as she wobbled at the end of the wall. Her breaths were shaky and far from controlled. Why was she scared? she wanted this to happen. She didn't want to live like this, so what was stopping her?
"just one step, just one small step and then it's done'" She repeated over and over again.

"HEY GREENIE , what are you doing?" a voice yelled from down bellow.

She shut her eyes and ignored the voice until it came again.

"Don't you dare jump greenie, just hang on"

She recognized it as Minho's voice, one of the runners.

She stood there for what felt like hours. Why couldn't she do it? She was weak, just like the boys had said. Her feet inches forwards until a hand grasped at her waist and tugged her back. Minho. Collapsing next to the boy who saved her , she let out her pain. Tears welled in her eyes and began to flow down her face and she buried her head into his chest. His shaky hands stroked her hair in an attempt to calm her.

"sssshhh it's ok now greenie, you're safe"


i think it turned out alright , i hope you did tooo :)

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