-Chapter 5: Bonfire-

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"Light em up"

The gladers threw their torches to the mass of wood lay in the middle of the glade. It was celebration time.

Robyn loved when the gladers came together, the atmosphere, the laughs, but mainly for Gally's secret recipe

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Robyn loved when the gladers came together, the atmosphere, the laughs, but mainly for Gally's secret recipe.

Cheers erupted and echoed across the glade. Boys were doing flips, playing drums,singing, the sight was amazing.

"To the glade!" Alby yelled

"To the glade"  they all said in unison

(Newt and Thomas 3rd person)

"Hell of a first day greenie"

Newt and the new glader sat beside each other resting on a log. The clinking of drinks and the muttering of voices could be heard from behind them.

The brunette sat in silence. He didn't know what to say, his mind was driving him crazy.

"Here" the blonde boy said putting the mason jar full of yellow, brownish liquid into his hands," Put some hair on your chest"

The boy stared at the glass before hesitantly taking a sip. As the liquid entered his mouth, he instantly spat it out.

"Uhhhh" he spluttered and coughed, "Oh my god, what is that?"

Newt laughed at his reaction before reaching back for the drink.

"I don't even know" he said as the boy continued to cough, " It's Gally's recipe. It's a trade secret"

He looked back to the fire behind him in search for the builder.  Their he stood wrestling a fellow glader. He turned back as the boy began to speak,

"Yeah well he's still an asshole"

"He saved your life today" Newt replied turning to face him,

No response, he just simply stared down.

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