-chapter 23: The great escape-

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                         -The great escape-

"Hey watch what your doing with that, you crazy woman!"

A familiar voice came from behind Robyn as she wielded her machete in her hands, practicing her useful skills.

Her eyes wandered to the side of her, a boy standing with his hands up towards his face.

"Fry! I'm sorry, oh my god,"

She dropped the knife onto the floor and rushed over to him, pulling him into an embrace.

"Well that was nice" he giggled as he wrapped her into a bear hug.

"I've just not spoke to you as much as i would like recently. Mainly because we haven't really had the time. It's been a bit chaotic in here" Robyn muffled into his shoulder.

"I've missed our little talks. But you're right, the glade hasn't been the same" He nervously laughed, "So, are you practicing for later?"

She dropped down to pick up the weapon she had previously left on the floor, spinning it in her hands as she stood back up. Her fingers traced the rusted handle, leaving brown smudges on her finger tips.

"I was feeling a bit rusty, so i thought i had to practice. Everything has to go right, and i don't want it to be me that ruins it"

Frypan leaned on one of the only trees still standing in the glade. He jokingly shook his head at her.

"You always underestimate yourself. Robyn you have never failed at anything before,"

Her hand pulled pack, smacking the metal blade into a wood plank. The force of her hit, caused it to get stuck within the broken slit of the chunk.

"I have!" she spoke as she pushed her foot onto the wood, her hand tightening around the handle. The small girl used her strength to pull it out. The blade slipped out of the wood and as it did her feet stumbled, not expecting it to be that easy to retrieve . She turned back to speak to her friend, "And even if i didn't, there is a first time for everything,"

"I get you Rob. Where is everyone else?" The cook looked around, but only found Gally at the wall of names, "Looks like he is crossing out Alby,"

Robyn followed the boys eyes and noticed Gally chipping the wall. She despised the boy. He had used his threatening behaviour to gain control over the gladers and that pissed Robyn off. No matter what the circumstances were, if Alby was still here the glade would have some sort of unity. Now it had a clear divide.Gally had placed fear over the boys, to manipulate them into thinking Thomas was a bad guy, when he was far from it. Robyn and her group knew that. Thomas wanted the best for everyone, he wanted a better life. That's what most of the people in this place wanted, even if they didn't show it. Deep down, they just wanted a home and knew the glade wasn't it.

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