-Chapter 14: Can we mend it-

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                          -Can we mend it-

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                          -Can we mend it-

Night had fallen in the glade, as they all began eating their meals.

Robyn had never eaten on separate tables with Newt, but tonight was an exception. Newt was situated into the far corner, with some gladers Robyn barely talked to. She noticed him prodding his food with a fork, he felt just as bad as she did.

Robyn was sat on a table with Minho,Thomas and Chuck (Fry was to join them later). She didn't know why she was sat with food in front of her, when all she wanted to do was be alone. Seeing Newt across from her, made her heart ache. A mass amount of pressure was on her chest as she looked at him.

Why were they doing this to each other? They both needed one another, and they knew it. The both of them just wanted to be back to normal, but none of them had the courage to go to the other. They were almost harming themselves because they were staying away.

Robyn just wanted to run and cry this pain out of her. To just be on her own, and think of ways to get him back. She wanted him so badly. She missed him dearly.

"Is the girl ok?" She heard Thomas ask.

The new girl had been taken to the medjacks after she passed out again. She had now been in for 2 days. Robyn always felt the day a girl came into the maze she would be so excited. That was the total opposite. More concerned. The way she knew Thomas made her feel uneasy: No one had ever remembered anything after coming up in the box. She couldn't trust her until she woke up and explained how she knew him.

"Has she caught your eye then buddy?" Minho smirked, causing Chuck to let out a short laugh.

Robyn didn't fully pay attention to the boys conversation, just twisted the fork in the hands. The stew in front of her, looked unappealing, which was a surprise because Fry's cooking was amazing. Maybe it was the heartache she was experiencing.

"Hey, you good?" Minho placed his head on the table, moving it so he was directly in her gaze.

She shrugged her shoulders, continuing to move the fork in between her hands.

The three boys, stopped their conversation, all sharing looks. Minho and Chuck knew she never skipped a meal, she loved Fry's cooking. She was seriously down due to the Newt situation, they knew.
They all decided to not say anything, rather than causing her to get more worked up.

Robyn looked up slowly at Newt's table. The table was erupted with laughter, but Newt looked drained, no happiness within him. She stared longer than anticipated, causing her to get caught. The blonde haired boy had looked back, his eyes softening as they looked at each other.

Just seeing him as upset as she was, made her feel weak. Her eyes welled up, she had to leave. Embarrassment was not what she needed right now.

She pushed her plate back, creating a great noise as she did. Everyone turned to where the noise was coming from.

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