-chapter 22: Who we were-

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                            -Who we were-

Robyn had barely slept when the sun rose above the glade walls, she couldn't bare it . It was almost impossible to shut off when the only place she had ever known was falling apart around her.

Throughout the night, her eyes had never left her special place in the glade as it burned down. The place she felt safe and calm. To most people, this wouldn't affect them, but they didn't have a heart like Robyn's. Most of her memories in the glade came from that exact spot.

Her favourite one was carving her name into the tree along with Newt. That day seemed so long ago. In a matter of fact, it was. The pair has just started to get close, and had began spending most of their time with each other. The pair had never stopped laughing and smiling that day, they even shared their first of many hugs. It was just a simple gesture, but it was an important and life changing interaction for Robyn. She knew that day that the boy was a keeper and she could never loose him.

The hug wasn't the only first special interaction.

Confession.Connection. A declaration of love.
That tree held their love story. It had watched them grow and their feelings develop over time. The tree was the centre of it all, and now it was gone, and now there was a hole in their story.

The tree eventually crashed down and the fire sizzled out. Robyn felt as if all of her memories had been destroyed with it.

Obviously Newt didn't allow himself to sleep, but stayed by the girl's side all night, comforting her. As he watched it fall, a tear fell down his face. He knew how special that place was to his girlfriend, and now he had even shared the love for it. He had connected to the place, it gave him confidence the night he asked Robyn to be his girlfriend. It had a special place in his heart and Robyn's. He even thought it held them together in some way.

She had cried into his shoulder most of the night, Newt tried to stay strong for his girlfriend, but it hurt him too. He hated watching her fall apart and not being able to mend it, it made him feel useless.

He never let her go and she never let him go. They were each others rocks. They had lay together, in each others arms, on the grass underneath the night sky. The stars twinkled above them,as Robyn shut her eyes and finally got the rest she needed.


Robyn woke up to a hand brushing hair out of her face gently. When she fully opened her deep, green eyes, she saw Newt looking down at her. He had a small grin on his face as she yawned.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to wake you up love," he spoke softly.

"It's ok," she stretched her arms as she lay up "Did you sleep?"

Before his answer, she sat up in front of him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Not one bit," he replied, kissing her forehead, "But you had some, so that's all that matters"

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