Chapter. 13

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(Y/N)'s POV 

we all squeezed into the buggy, which was difficult but we all managed. I sat next to pip and the window and angelica by the door on the other side while trying to calm the kids down. about an hour and a half later we reached the town, we all walked out one at a time. Philip before me so he could help me out I guess. once all of the kids got out of the buggy we made our way around town.

I saw angelica look at us and she winked at me, I was confused until I noticed that Philip and I were still holding hands. I quickly let go. he looked at me and then he noticed angelica's stare. I saw his eyes bulge out of his head. he quickly ran over to her and pulled her away from the kids. upon noticing their freedom, the kids split.

I ran after alexander but he was too fast, behind me I heard pip talking to angelica.

"Please don't tell ma Angie." pip pleaded while angelica was laughing seeming to not know about her brothers running around.

"Why not pip I think you guys are too cute together." She smiled so wide, it took up half of her face.

"But if mom knows then she'll tell dad and pa still thinks she's Jefferson's daughter!" He said it too loud tho, people all around just stared at him before continuing.

"Wait you mean.."

"She's not a Jefferson she's an orphan."

"Philip." I said sternly, I didn't really want anyone else to know as I have a reputation to up hold. "Angelica, I think you should be heading after your brothers, don't you?"

"What do you?... Oh! Umm... you guys meet me here around noon yeah? Okay see you then!" She ran off chasing the oldest but not before yelling, "make sure you use protection!"

I went tomato red when she said that, completely mortified I was frozen. I felt Philip lean onto me with his arm around my shoulder, "you hear that? We have pormission." He whispered into my ear and but the lobe.

I quickly pushed him off as to not seem inappropriate and to maintain an image. I brushed my dress down before I looked up at him.

" I'm mad you know."

"What?!? What did I do?" He asked while pressing his hand against his hand in a flamboyant manner.

"You told her when you know I don't want people knowing."

"Oh, that's why." He said with a chuckle

"Yes, it is. And it's not funny either." I crossed my arms across my chest.
(Anyone else find it harder to write facial expressions cause ever since masks that's all I know now)

"You're so cute when you get mad kitten, it's hard not to." He smiled wider and hugged me tight. I couldn't help but smile at his actions and soon hugged him back. I know I could never stay mad at him.

We spent a while at the fountain in front of the town hall before we saw that Angelica had returned. We all got into the buggy and made the journey back to Jefferson's house. Angelica looked at us with knowing eyes now and a smile on her face. We soon made it back and the yelling was finished.

The next couple of days was spent outside or trying not to make never or Hamilton mad at me or each other. I got closer and closer to Philip these days but alas they too must leave just like the other guests.

"Leaving already?" I asked Philip while leaning on the door frame.

"Sadly yes it's time to take my leave."  He said as he picked up his bag.

"But you can't leave." I said as I jumped onto him. He fell back into the bed so he's now sitting and he dropped his bag.

"I have to, you know that." He hugged me back and petted my hair.

"But I still need you." I cried into his shoulder

"No you don't, you never did." I nodded my head viciously into his neck. "No you don't, you have always been so independent you don't need anyone."

"I'll miss you though." I whimpered, it was so quiet I was surprised he heard.

"And I you."

We made our way downstairs once our moment was over and I helped them into their buggy, I walking in when it was all over, the sound of the door closing broke me knowing that I won't see him again.

758 words


I will be uploading 2 more chapters tonight, also thanks for 17 followers we're so close to 20 I'm so excited I can't wait!!!

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