Chapter. 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

Jefferson had told Sally to get me dressed and ready to go to New York. Sally lead me to a room where she put me in a magenta dress and did my hair. Sally handed me some black flats and left the room.

As I was putting on the shoes I overheard Sally and Mr. Jefferson talking. well, it wasn't really talking because all I heard was mumbling since my door was closed. when I was done putting on the shoes I put my ear against the door to hear what they were talking about.

"Why do you want her to come with you?"

it came from a voice that was gentle and sweet sounding. I'm thinking it was Sally.

"I frankly don't see anything important about it. why would you want to know."

"Well never have you ever thought of bringing Martha to your work, so why is this child any different."

it was quiet for a bit. I wonder who Martha was.

"Well the guy I work with, Hamilton, is bringing his kid, so I want to say that she is my child and rub it in his face that my child is cuter."

I got bored fast so I just left the room to go and find Sally. I ended up finding her in the kitchen. I go up to her and tug on her off white apron. she looked done at me.

"What are you still doing here."

she grabbed my hand and we started walking out of the kitchen.

"You're supposed to be with Mr.Jefferson."

we walked to the front door where we saw Mr.Jefferson waiting for I'm assuming me.

"I found her."

"Thank you, Sally."

Sally walked away and I was left with Mr.Jefferson.

"Come we can't make them wait forever."

He opened the door and gestured for me to go out first. I stepped out into the fresh air and waited for Mr.Jefferson by the door. he stepped out and walked over to the carriage that was outside of the house as I followed.

the Coachman held the door for me and Mr.Jefferson. when I got in I sat on the other side of Mr.Jefferson. it took a while for the carriage to start moving but once it did it was a bumpy ride. after about a good 10 minutes of sitting in silence, he spoke.

"So, (Y/N), are you excited?"

"Very sir, But Mr.Jefferson where exa-"

"You can call me dad. there will be no need for formalities."

"Of course, but please excuse my manner but where exactly are we going?"

"New York."

it was silent from that point on. I got bored and ended up leaning my head on the wall of the carriage and slept.


I was awakened to being nudged. I sat up and saw the dad, it doesn't sound right but I might get used to it someday.

"We're here."

he walked out and I followed close behind. we were walking towards a small man that looked around 5'4 to 5'6. (I got 2 different measurements so I put 'em both in 'ere) he wore a gray suit and looked almost sick. once we were close enough he started to yell at Jefferson. I wasn't paying much attention until they stopped yelling and started to talk about me.

"And who might this be."

"James I would like for you to meet my daughter, (Y/N)."

so that was his name. I did a curtsy as a way to greet him. I wasn't comfortable talking to him yet but I might get used to it one day. we started to walk to a building with 2 men in front of it. and there was a little boy too.

Soooo there is a tornado warning so that's fun. I'm having a jolly time. If I never upload again then I'm dead. Okay bye!

654 words

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