chapter. 8

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(Y/N)'s POV



I leave my room on the second floor.

I'm wearing a lightweight dress with a shawl

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I'm wearing a lightweight dress with a shawl. in case you're wondering what happened since the last chapter Philip and I didn't do anything. he fell face-first into the mud. we write to each other since Mr. Jefferson took me back to Virginia. he told me to call him Mr. Jefferson. Sally and he got into an argument about what to do with me. I am now a long term guest that helps out the cleaning or other chores.

Right now its December 30th 1794. the Hamiltons and others are expected to come by for dinner and to start the new year off right. it seems as though Jefferson has a heart.




just kidding! Hamilton is considering resigning and Jefferson wants to help out with that. just imagine... Thomas Jefferson with a soft spot for the Hamiltons. funny. Mr. Jefferson just wants an excuse to screw Hamilton over.

I go to the kitchen where Sally is and help with the dishes before I steal a biscuit and scurry off to my room to wait until Philip gets here. I reread the letter he sent me 5 months ago saying that he is coming over for dinner in December. he told me about his adventures in boarding school and how his father is doing. I always respond the second I'm done reading the ink on his letters.


it's not until dusk that the sound of a horse and buggy on a dirt road catches my attention (Did anyone else know that they are called a coach, am I the only American that refers to them as buggies??? I think so). I swiftly leave my bed to look out the window next to it. I see the buggy come to a stop.

I race out of my room and down the narrow as hell staircase not caring if someone was going up it or not. I get to the entrance where Jefferson is standing there with Burwell Colbert who was walking outside to greet the guests.

"Is it the Hamiltons, sir?" I asked looking at him while my hands fidgeted in the back.

"Yes. when they get here show the children to the empty guest rooms." he didn't look at me only at the door. when it opened again the short man from 6 years ago came in with a woman and 5 children one of which I recognised. I held in my excitement as we have kept our contact secret.



"Alexander!" the woman covered the ears of the child on her hip. the other children ooh'd at him as though he was in trouble.

"(Y/N) may you show the kiddos their rooms." Jefferson assigned me while squinting down at hamilton and hamilton giving the death glare up at Jefferson. I mentioned for the children to follow once the woman let the little boy down.

we all made out way up the narrow staircase with me in the front. the first room from the staircase on the left was the first guest room.

"This will be your room, but there are only 4 beds." I opened the door that led into a plain medium-sized room with 4 beds, two on each side with a window and dresser in the middle.

"I call my own room." Philip claimed as he pushed his siblings into the room.

"What? that's no fair." a girl who looked to be around the same age as than me said.

"Yes it is. I'm older therefore I get my own room." Philip stuck his nose up in the air all cocky. the girl huffed before she turned her attention to me.

"I'm angelica by the way." her smile reached her eyes as she bowed. "And this is Alexander." she pats a little boy's head next to her he looked to be 11. he bowed down, took my hand with his and kissed my knuckles. I tensed and laughed awkwardly. when he let go of my hand. "This is James" the little boy hid behind Angelica waved awkwardly. "And this is john." a two-year-old looking boy waked excitedly with a huge smile on his face.

"Well I'm (Y/N)," I gave a small wave, "Its nice to meet you." a small smile played on my lips. I turned my attention to Philip. "now let me show you your room." I spun on my heal and made my way to the end of the hall where his room sits across from mine.

I opened the door and let him in. "My room is right across from you so if you have a question on where something just asks me." he entered his room while I talked.

"I'll be sure to visit your room don't you worry." he turned to me and smiles.

"For a question, I hope."

"We'll see."

"Well no matter what for I'm just glad that I can see you again."

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