Chapter. 17

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It's lunch now, that feeling of guilt is still sunken in my stomach.

"Are you hungry or are you just thinking really hard?" Paige, my friend, asked with a smile. As she made her way over to the table. She sat across from me still smiling.

"Thinking really hard would be the answer," I told her

"Hun, what do you have to think really hard about?" Evan came up from behind me and asked. He sat next to me. Evan is tall and has dirty blonde hair that somehow manages to stay perfect but messy. He has the face and body that girls seem to die over though I don't see the appeal.

"I don't think that it is any of your business, football player."

"Baby you know that I'm not just any player on this school's team." he wraps his arm around my shoulders in which I nicely shove off.

"So what were you thinking about?" Paige asked about to shove the school's spaghetti in her mouth. 'It's just like my mother's' she tells me.

"A dream I had last night," I responded quickly, Paige knows about my dreams so I feel comfortable enough to tell her.

"Oh, so when she asks you, you answer but when I ask the police show up at my door in the middle of the night? Something about that doesn't seem fair."

"You know Evan, most of the time life isn't fair," Paige says mouth full of the spaghet. She takes a large swallow before she continues, "Anyway, what happened this time that was so different than the last?"

"You know that guy, in my dream?"

"Yeah, Fin or was it, Philip?"

"Philip,  and it was a normal dream it was following the plot and everything but then something disturbing happened."

"What are you guys talking about? AHH! Are you cheating on me? I thought we had something special!" he put his hand on his chest and pretended to cry. 

"Ok don't take this too personal but one, eww. two I would never like you even in a life or death situation. and three, now this might sound like one but, eew." I turned my body to his in order to look him dead in the eyes.

"You don't have to say it so harsh you know," he mumbled while playing with his food. 

"Anyways, I die. but see it wasn't like a show death like I screamed and then I woke up. at least I think I screamed. someone screamed." I said the last part, throwing my hands into the air.

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