Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

"want to eat?" Philip turned to me. I was pretty confused since I have not eaten in a while and no one has offered food to me before. he walks over to me and grabbed my wrist. He leads me out of the office and down the long and seemingly never-ending hall. we both walked out of the building that held the most important meetings for this country. we walked along the dirt road. I took notice of the fact that my wrist was still being held. I didn't try to pull my arm away since for some reason it felt almost comforting.

The trip was silent, but it wasn't an awkward one. it was one of those that made you feel safe. it wasn't a long trip but I still did not know where we were headed. my question would soon be answered when I see the market place up ahead. we were walking down a hill and booths and merchants lay just below it.

As I was admiring the scene that lay before me, I tripped on a rock and fell on top of Philip. he cushioned the landing a bit until I rolled over him and fell into a ditch in the woods next to the hill.

"are you alright?" I saw him lean over the slope, that I tumbled down, with a worried look.

"I think?" my head hurt so I placed my palm over where it hurt. I heard something that sounded as though something was sliding down the hill I fell from. I looked up and saw Philip before me.

"Let me see that." he kneeled and lifted my hand, "you're bleeding." he stood, "come on. have to clean that up before the wound gets infected." he gave me his hand. we started working our way back up the steep hill. continuing on our way to town.

Once there we pass houses till we get to a building with a sign on a pole in front of it. Edin big cattle the sign read. It was a cafe. We went in and sat at a table near the front.

"What can I get for you today?" A women in a blue-gray dress and an extremely high poached voice said.

"Oh umm could we just get a wet rag please? This young lady here has fallen and hurt herself quite a bit."

"Oh! Of coarse! Just a minute." She ran off into the back. Philip and I just sat in silence until she came back, not really knowing what to talk of.

"Here you you ma'am." She handed me a damp cloth and I reluctantly took it. Putting the cloth to the cut on my head, she walk away.

"So tell me about yourself."

"How do you mean?" I asked   Taking the rag off my head to look at how much I was bleeding. It wasn't much... I think it stoped a while ago.

"Like how you can read such books, or why you called your dad mr. Jefferson. Or how you deducted who was who in front of the building. I've never seen a woman as pretty as you being so smart." He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed the knuckles.

"Oh.. I uhh don't know..?" I blushed and chuckled at the end trying to hide my nervousness. I mean he is a charming man... I can't be a smart ass all the time. Seeing this he smirked a smexy smile.

We talked for a while till we had to leave ordering a biscuit on the way out. We continued to have pleasant conversation up the hill till we got back to the big building going to the garden in the back.

"But seriously are you not going to tell me why you called your dad that?" It was quiet for a couple seconds before I answered.

" he's not my dad." I said looking down at my legs that we swinging off the edge of the bench. " his slave found me in a tree. I don't know how I got there or anything. But Mr. Jefferson took me along with him here to quote unquote 'say that she is my child and rub it in his face that my child is cuter.'" I say using my hands as I talk.

"Impress who"

" your father."

"Oh" it was silent before he started talking again, "well he still helped you. Took you in, gave you clothes. Look I'm not saying that you have to agree with me but what i have learned is that, family doesn't start with blood nor does it end with it. He was there for you when he didn't have to be. So as far as I'm concerned he is you family. At least now he is."

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