Chapter. 15

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up so excited, like incredibly excited. Philip was coming back from school today. I haven't seen him since Christmas break. I got ready before heading downstairs to help Eliza with the cooking for when Philip gets home. 

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Eliza and angelica were making bread

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I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Eliza and angelica were making bread. 

"Good morning." I piped cheerfully, a bright smile on my face. 

"Looks like someones happy." Eliza teased

"Of course I am, my fiance is coming back home." I piped again while grabbing an apron and started on biscuits. 

"Oh right how could I forget?" angelica spoke up sarcastically.

"Oh don't even pretend you forgot," I said as I threw flour at her. 

"How are my two favorite girls doing?" Hamilton came into the kitchen. he never really liked me much, even though it's been years, so I know I'm not one of the girls. since he's retired he's been spending much more time at home with his family. 

"Alexander I do hope you mean three," Eliza said while needing the dough. 

"No I meant two," he said. he made his way to the tea cabinet and made himself some tea. 


"Eliza it's okay I promise, it's not like I've been treated worse." I smiled lightheartedly while Eliza just gave me a sad forced one. she knew about what happened that day and all the other days like it. alexander didn't though. he never made an effort to get to know me so he didn't know anything more than I'm not actually Jeffersons kid. 

after hours of working in the kitchen, we finally heard it. the clicking of huffs on a rock. we all ran out to see his arrival. once he stepped off the buggy Eliza was the first to hug him. the whole family had to pull her off cause he couldn't breathe. I hugged him next after he caught his breath. hamilton cleared his throat though so the hug was short-lived, unfortiontaly pip did not want to hug him. 

after diner that was very much waited for, we split ways. pip went to talk to his dad in the study though. which I found odd as he never really was one to talk to his dad willingly. I got ready for bed and hoped he joins me soon after. I was already under the covers awaiting his arrival when he came in with a box. 

"Im sorry kitten but I won't be able to join you tonight," he said in a saddened tone.

"Why not?" I asked sitting up

"I... I have to meet up with someone. ill be back in bed in the morning baby don't worry." 

(off-topic but does anyone else see Philip having a daddy kink???)

"As long as you stay safe and make it home in one piece okay?"

"Of course baby." he kissed my forehead and left. I just about closed my eyes before noticing an unfamiliar object on the nightstand. I sat back up and grabbed it. it was the box that Philip had in his hands when he came into the room. 

I opened the box and saw guns, 2 handguns. I knew instantly what he was leaving for. I panicked, to say the least. I bolted up from our shared bed and ran into hamilton's study. 

"Where?" I asked sternly

"What do you mean 'where'?" he replied

"You know what I mean." he remained silent. I quickly made my way over to an empty chair. "Look in don't know what your problem is with me and honestly I don't care. now you might be a terrible father for giving your own son your guns, but that doesn't mean that I have to be a terrible fiance or mother." the last part got his attention as he perked up.


"Yes now, where is your son?" I asked sternly once again.

"Jersey... everything is legal in new jersey."

"Thank you, know was that so hard?" I asked as I started to get up from the chair and quickly walked out the door. halfway down the hall, I hear him shout,

"Im gonna be a grandpapi!" 

sunrise is about the time that I arrived at the location. I got off the buggy and saw down the hill two men starting to take their paces. I quickly ran down until I got in the middle of the dual. I saw that Philip had his arm raised to the sky. 

"Pip!" I shouted







black. that's all I saw. a blood-curdling scream and then black. 













"(Y/N) wake up!"





I heard my name then I felt something

it felt like...


a pillow?

my eyes popped wide open

"Late?! why didn't you wake me up sooner you dummy!" I shouted back at my brother, Marcus. 

797 words


so now ill disappear until May when ill return again like I do every year and post a bunch until I disappear until July and come back in December. like. I. do. every. god. damn. year. anyway, I hope you guys likey! 


So you might notice that the name changed and that's because i thought it would resemble some type of incest so yeah I changed it. I had some trouble finding a dancer's name so I just went with Marcus. Marcus is a dancer. 

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