chapter. 9

321 7 15

(Y/N)'s POV

I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and hesitate before my bare feet touch the cold wooden floor. I light up a candle and make my way to his door across the hall. before I get the chance to knock I hear, "It's open, (Y/N)." I smile to my self and open the door. "Miss me already?" he askes his signature smile painted on his face.

"You didn't visit so I thought id stop by to see if you died."

I placed the candle on the dresser by the door.

"I wanted you to come to me, just an experiment."


"Yeah, its to see if you love me or not. and you do." he smiles. his arms behind his head.

"and how were you so certain that I would come?" I closed the door but stayed standing in front of the door.

"I have a way with the ladies." he patted his bed, "Come, sit." I smile at his comment and make my way to his bed I sit at the foot. me sitting at the foot didn't last long as Phillip hooked his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. it was silent as I got comfortable and nestle in the V of his legs.

"How has boarding school been?" I break the silence when he starts playing with my hair.

"Fine... you remember Stephan right?" I hummed in response, "He got in trouble, had to stay for the holidays."

"And your dad?"

"I don't know to be honest." at this point all of my hair was on my left side, his finger drew shapes on my tilted neck. "He's always working now. cooped up in his office. you would not believe how much work it took to get him out of that damned room."

"He's your father Phillip he most likely has good reason."

"What could be much more important than his own children." his voice is stern the on the waist of my nightgown grips harder on my waist. I know that he's holding back his anger.

"He grew up poor, yeah? he just doesn't want you to go through the same thing he did. not saying he's doing the right thing but he's not doing the wrong thing either. it could be much worse. he just needs someone to tell him to stop and help him mourn. he's clearly hurting inside and barring it in work isn't working as well as he thinks it is."

"You're so smart you know that?"

"Of course I do." we both sat in silence just enjoying each other's company.

"You know they say life is short. they say you wake up one day and one that day, all your dreams and everything you ever wished for and ever wanted, they're gone just like that." I turn to look at him just to see him staring back into my eyes my arms now resting on his chest keeping me upright. "People get old and things change, and situations change and what I want is this moment right now, and my feelings for you and the way you look right now and the way I look at you," he brings his hand up to my cheek and I lean into it closing my eyes. "I just want this to last forever."

"Oh, it will. I mean we've always had each other, as long as I can remember, nothing can change that." I open my eyes to look at him, "Not time or death, not other people." his hand snakes around to the back of my head where he lowers my ear onto his heart. all is silent in the room the only thing being heard is his heartbeat.

"What are you thinking about right now?" he asks

"How I'm going to have to explain myself if someone walks in. what about you?"

"How I spent the last 6 months thinking about how I was going to kiss you at this moment but managed to go this far and not have done that yet." I look up at him.

"I think that makes you more of a gentleman, Mr. Hamilton." I inhale his scent.

"you should call me that more often, kitten." his finger lifts my head. I stare into his amber eyes as he pulls me in. my eyes flutter close as our lips meet. he pulls me close as he sits up. his left-hand travels from my jaw to my cheek deepening the kiss. my hands travel up his torso and around his neck.

he slowly lowers me onto the bed so he's on top of me pinning me onto the bed. we separated for a millisecond to catch our breaths. my hands make their way into his curly hair and gently tug at it. his hand moves from my cheek to my hips and he grips tight. my left leg bent and Phillip's legs on either side of my right one. my nightgown shows a bit too much of my thigh but at the moment we don't care. he licked my bottom lip as if asking for entrance, I wanted to test his patience just a little bit more. I pull his hair more and hear him groan with impatience and pleasure. his left-hand lower onto my thigh, he sneaks it up under the gown and onto my bare hip pinching the skin causing me to gasp. he wasted no time to invade my mouth with his tongue. practically shoving it down my throat. just the feeling of his warm hand touching my bare skin makes me shiver, I've dreamed of this moment, just wanting to be touched like a human would do but this, this is something much more. I feel his tongue pull out of my mouth, we both gasp for air not having had it in a while. not long after I feel him start to attack my neck. sucking and nipping at my skin, when he gets to the crook of my neck I let out a low moan making sure not to wake anyone. it seems as though all he needed was that noise to please him as he started to attack it.

"Next time," he sucks harder, "I won't," harder, "go," harder, "so easy." he finishes off the sentence and admires his work. there will be a mark there tomorrow. he gets off of me and I sit up still in a daze of what had just happened. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed.

"Good night Pip." I look at him with a smile. I get up and make my way to the door.

"No 'I love you'?" my hand hovers over the handle.

"I love you." I look back at him.

"I love you too."

"Yeah, you better," I say when I pick up the candle and make my way to my room remembering that ill have to wear something to cover my neck up tomorrow.

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