Chapter 12.

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(Y/N)'s POV

I made my way to Philip sat at the piano. The Hamilton children are running around again unaware of where they left the dining room in the first place.
"Do you play?" Philip asked. I smiled and nodded. It got boring when I couldn't go out or when there wouldn't be visitors for days. Often I couldn't play when Jefferson was around. Said it was too annoying. "The piano is for sissys!" He would say. So I taught myself.
Pip started playing and I instantly recognized the tune so I joined in. I was on the right side where the higher keys were as that was the part that I was given. it was slow at first but it soon got faster and faster but then got slow again. it was almost like a magical moment as if the whole world disappeared but only Pip, the piano, and I were the only things in existence. 

I couldn't even hear the kids anymore all that I heard was the music and my heartbeat quickening. time wasn't even a concept to me anymore. 

being stuck in my imagination though made me lose track of time. too quick, the song ended I didn't even notice until the music stopped, too caught up in my head. I looked up at him when we stopped too lost in his eyes to note the ones on us.

remembering the others in the room I looked away. the children stopped running around, angelica looked at us with an almost knowing look and Eliza seemed at peace like the music calmed her down. it wasn't until Jefferson cleared his throat. (I just realized that Jefferson was played by an African American guy and I think that it's kinda funny not gonna lie) 

I looked over in his direction and noticed that the men were now out of the dining room. Jefferson and Hamilton looked mad, mostly at each other though, while Washington and madison looked alert like they knew they would have to break up another fight. 

"Get away from that ... that... eft-handed wife!" hamilton said directed at Philip. 

"ALEXANDER!!!" Eliza yelled at him. Jefferson just looked at hamilton confused that he used street slag. angelica tried to cover as many of her brother's ears as possible. 

"Pop, she is not a mistress or anything of the sort!" Pip defended. I was a little surprised, to say the least. 

"You called her a mistress?" Jefferson questioned with a firm tone.

"Oh? did the all high and mighty Jeffershit not know the term I used?" the snarky reply sent Jefferson back over the edge. he grabbed Hamilton's hair and yanked hard. hamiltons head was pulled back and a grunt was emitted. 

not long after they fought again. yelling was once again at hand and Eliza filed everyone out of the room. she told us to go into town and told Colbert to bring a buggy around the front. we all walked out the door while Eliza walked back to the fighting. 

right before the doors closed Eliza's yelling was all that was heard. god, I didn't know she could yell.

523 words

run away Philip Hamilton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now