Chapter. 16

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(That's Marcus.                                                         ^)

I jumped out of my bed upon hearing my brother's voice, the cover tangling my legs causing me to fall onto the floor. I quickly untangle myself and get my stuff ready. Not making sure that I have everything in my bag before I run out of my room. I run to the door and struggle to put my shoes on almost falling in the process.

"Make sure you grab something to eat, Mija. Marcus left already so make sure you..." I ran out of the door after I heard that he had already left. I run out of the apartment and down the stairs trying my best not to fall for a 3rd time this morning. My hair is a mess and I know that the combination of me running and the cars flying past me arent doing it justice. I finally see my brother standing in front of the theater that we walk past every day.

"If we don't go now we'll be late and you know mom will not be happy if that happens," I said as I ran up to him. Coming to a stop when I finally reach him.

"I know but check this out." a smile spread across his face as he pointed at it. I walk closer to look at it. It was a paper calling for auditions pinned onto the door.

"Yeah, so what?" I asked him, squinting at the paper and an eyebrow cocked upward.

"Oh come on short stack, you can't tell me that you aren't interested."

"I never said I wasn't. I am intrigued yes but school starts in five minutes, your shift starts in 2, and it's a ten-minute walk so come on." I grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him away from the theater and toward school, but unsurprisingly my futile attempts were made with failure as my brother walked up the steps and into the building.

And because I am a caring individual, I went in after him, just to make sure that when he is done he goes to work after. Better late than never you know. I followed close behind him making sure that I don't lose him. We both followed the arrows that were telling us where to go. Once there, behind the curtains, we were both given a number on a piece of paper.

"OH, I'm not actually here to audition." I walked after her with my ticket stretched out before me, toward her.

"Then leave." she looked over her shoulder and had an annoyed look on her face.

"I guess I'll stay then," I said lowly and sat back down. I looked over at Marcus' ticket, he had the number 19 and I had 18 meaning I would go before him. Look I'm, not a bad actor in fact I'll go out on a limb and say I'm mediocre, but I'm nothing compared to my older brother. He had many more years of training and was much more trained in the arts. But then again he wasn't auditioning to act but to dance instead.

We both sat there, hearing number after number getting called closer to ours. I almost didn't hear when they called mine. I don't want to talk about the audition very much so I'll just skip over to when it was over.

I left the audition room and back to the waiting. Upon seeing Marcus walk up to me, I hugged him.

"You're going to be amazing," I whispered in his ear and he gave me thanks. After about 5 minutes he walked back out with a smile on his face. "What happened back there?" I asked as we both walked to the doors we entered. At this point being late for school is in the back of my mind.

"I think I did well. They said I was great." his smile grew wider. I've never seen him this happy.

"Of course you were, you're amazing at everything you do." my hands were through up into the air, "Now I think we should be heading to school and work, and fast might I add." I grabbed my bag, as did Anthony, and we quickly walked out of the theater. The whole way to school we talked about the audition and how it went. until he had to split and go down to the corner store at the end of the road.

Once I stepped foot into the school front office, I got a tardy slip and made my way to my 2nd hour, the class I despised the most. As I sat in Math, I couldn't help but think about the dream I had, ever since I was a little kid I've had them, every night I had one. They always seemed too real but this one was different. My dreams were normal but this one was different. I felt myself get killed, I hated it, just thinking about the scene makes me feel sick. I mean yeah I did dream of me getting slapped that one night but see that wasn't murder, this... this was murder, a duel, watching a man almost get shot knowing that there was nothing I could do. 

855 words

run away Philip Hamilton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now