I need help

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okay so in case yall haven't seen my description yet, I am looking for someone who can help out with stories for fun in their free time. I think it'll be a good idea to have a reader of mine to help out with stories and give feedback. I wanna know what you guys want to read. so hit me up if you are interested on helping out on stories. I want stories to be published but I'm gonna be in school and my mental health is gonna be trash, not saying that I won't be writing cause I will but I won't publish if I'm on my own. so I need help, the stories living in my head are all crammed in my head and have nowhere to go if I'm not putting them here. so if you wanna help with hamilton fanfics than contact me in this account with the answers to these questions:

1. how long have you been writing and why do you do it?

2. how often do you think you'll be able to hop onto Wattpad and write at least a paragraph?

3. how long have you been into musicals? what's your favorite? (or fandom)

4. if you can write any musical fanfic which one would you have the most fun with? (If not wanting to write musical fanfiction answer #5 but you can answer bot if you want)

5. if you don't want to write musical fanfiction I'm fine with that, but for which fandom?

if you don't want to write musical fanfic than that's fine I'm like that too sometimes just tell me what fandom and the storyline/plot of it. just in case you think you are getting paid you are not, this is just for fun if you want to write something in one of my stories that you want to happen and you think other readers would like. there are three rules to being a co-writer to this account, 1. don't put my information on the dark web, 2. don't leak stories before or after publishing, and 3 have fun!

again if interested send me a message on this account.

have a nice day a new chapter will be published tomorrow, 

-Ari :]

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