Chapter. 11

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(Y/N)'s POV

i get up off of Philip and help him up. making sure to not let him pull me down of course. We all made our way back inside the house.

Once in the kitchen laid out on a long table was: pork in the middle of the table, coffee where the adults sat and two pitchers of cider where the children would, string beans, mashed potatoes and bread. A man sat near the end in between Hamilton and Jefferson, who was sat on the end. All of the children took their places.

Madison                   Washington
Eliza                          Alexander
John Alexander Jr.
Philip James
(Y/N) Angelica

We all put food onto our plates and started to eat. The whole time and Washington trying to keep things civil. Madison didn't do anything, only taking uncomfortable sips of his coffee every now and again. Jefferson was making fun of Hamilton leaving and Hamilton was making fun of how stupid Jefferson is.

Eliza's grip on her fork was enough to indicate that she was fed up with the fighting.

"So is that Philip's coat you're wearing?" Eliza asked trying to start conversation. Of course this comment made the bickering couple stop dead in there tracks and stare at me like a dear in the headlight, well more like moose lights they seemed almost blinded by this comment. And with me being me I forgot that I was even wearing it. So I panicked, like anyone would in this situation.

"What?! Oh this its ahh... well it was ahh cold out side! I forgot I was wearing it haha. Philip was being nice that's all! Nothing else... ha." I stuttered and nervously laughed. I didn't want them to think that something was happening between us. I mean last night happened but no one needs to know about that. It was nothing.

"Keep your son away from my daughter you filthy man!"

"My son?!? He did nothing wrong! It's your daughter! A whore just like her father!"

"We're talking about my daughter not your mother Hamilfuck." Jefferson says smugly. A smirk painted on his lips.

"My mother was nothing compared to your two timing hoe of a daughter!"

"And my daughter is and angel compared to your son!"

"Stop fighting you two! It's not even past 7 yet!" Washington jumped in. Hand slamming on the table while still sitting down.

"He/she started it!" Both opponents shot up from their seats talking at the same time while pointing at me and Philip.

"He/ She stated it?! It was your son/daughter! No it wasn't! Yes it was! Like father like son/daughter they say! Oh now it's on!" They both yell at the same time. Hamilton launches at Jefferson and Jefferson does the same.

All children were ushered out of the room by Eliza. Be fore I walked out of the doors I turned to see Washington holding back Hamilton and Madison holding back Jefferson. I got to admit it was a tad bit entertaining seeing a 5'4" man hold back a 6'2" man, or a 6'1 man struggling to hold back a 5'7" man. I smiled to myself as I walked out the door and into the hall, seeing Philip sitting at a piano looking at me and patting the seat next to himself.


So I might be writing more often now since I'm sick which is fun! I also love the fact that people I the comments section of my other Hamilton story are becoming friends. As of right now they are talking about kids that pour skittles on them. And two more people have joined. Funny conversations happen in those comments sections. Anyway enjoy the rest of your day, or night if you live on the same side of the earth at me.

Okay scary there was flashing lights outside of my wind that's kind of terrifying.

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