Chapter. 3

610 18 14

(Y/N)'s POV

we approached the 2 men and a little boy that looked about my age. but it's not like I would know because we're not that close yet.

"Mr.Jefferson, welcome home."

it was a tall man that looked about 2" shorter than dad. there was a man that was a whole lot shorter. Probably around 5'7".

"I need to go get something."

Madison left and it was just the giant, the short man, the boy, dad, and I. The short man was quiet until he introduced himself.

"Mr.Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton."

My eyes went to the Little boy that was behind, Hamilton was it. I think he was his son.

"Hamilton, Washington, this is my daughter, (Y/N)."

he had a big grin on his face while he said that. I did a curtsy as a greeting and stood still next to dad. I took note that the little boy and Hamilton was it, eyes had widened. but i decided to ignore it.

"Not talkative, I see. I'm Philip."

the child bowed down as I smiled at him. it took a while for me to notice that the boy was taller than me. the left side of my brain put 2 and 2 together and I came to the conclusion that Hamilton and I were the smallest out of both groups.

I ran over to Hamilton's legs and hid from them there. at this point, he and Sally were the only ones I trusted. they all were looking at me like I was crazy but I know I'm not. why do I trust him you might be asking?

well, it's really quite simple. see I trust Sally because she's sweet and kind like me. now turn that logic onto Hamilton, he's the smallest in the group and so am I. see I'm like most kids I go and trust people who are like me.

besides being around giants all day doesn't sound so appealing. anyways, back to the story. Hamilton kneeled down infront of me, looked me in the eyes, and said,

"Did Philip scare you?"

"What? I didn't do anything! I swear!"

I mentally laughed at Philip's reaction. Do you know how most times when parents ask you if are scared or not in almost a consernd tone? Yeah, well this was more of a teasing tone, it wasnt directed to me but more towrdes Philip. I shook my head signifying a no.

"Their all scary."

I managed to squeak it out. belive it or not but it was really hard. wow, I can't even talk to these people. I don't know about you but being Thomas Jefferson's fake child was really hard.

"Their scary but im not?"

he said it with a laugh thretoning to come out. probably because I just called my 'dad' scary but oh well. well to answer his question I just shook my head.

"I trust you."

again I managed to squeak out 3 words. woah! I should get a Nobel prize.

he looked at me like I was insane, probably because I just said I trusted a stranger, good job me good job.

"Huh, and why do you trust me, we just met. I could kill you, you know."

he had a kind, friendly smile on his face. I thought about what he said, I actually thought about it too. I just needed to prepare myself for all of the words im about to say.


























Okay, here we go me.

"You are Alexander Hamilton, right?"

he nodded his head wanting to know where this leads him. How do I know that? well, you could see it in his eyes.

"Then you are the first Secretary of the Treasury, which is very important to this country and its financial situations. this means that the journalists and people of the public have their eyes on you. there are eyes everywhere. if they saw that you took someone in your house and they took notice that the person never left they would get suspisuse. give it a couple of days and the person is declairde missing. someone will snitch and you will get caught. you would lose your position in the goverment. adding onto that, you will give Mr.Jefferson the pleasure of sucsess. plus you were a lawyer before I doubt that you break a law that major."

They all stared at me wide-eyed trying to take in all of the words I had just purged out of my mouth. after a bit, Hamilton gave me a smile and put his hand on my head.

"Cute & smart."

he stood up and started walking into the big building I followed close behind Mr. Hamilton. Philip and I followed Mr. Hamilton until we reached a room. it kind of looked like an office or a study.

"You guys will stay in here 'till we come back from the meeting."

we walked in and looked around the new space that we were supposed to stay in for god knows how long. it was as if we were standing face to face with a new living space.

"Oh! And Philip,"

Philip looked over his shoulder and put all of his attention on his father in the doorway.

"try not to scare (Y/N) too much this time."

as Philip was about to say something his father closed the door before any more could be said.

900 words

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