Chapter. 7

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Me and my "Dad" are waiting in the front of the building waiting for Mr. Madison to come out of the building so they can talk about the government. Jefferson and Maddison talked the whole way to the building in manhattan that Jefferson was renting. I, on the other hand, couldn't help but think of Philip and his curly locks the whole way there. like every sulci in my brain he invaded and not even the most sinful of thoughts could have gotten rid of him. 

once we made it to the home I was immediately sent to a privet room on the upper floor whilst the bags where being brought in.  I waited in the narrow room withing the comfort of the comforters. once the sun has set and everyone slept you made your way to the door and out into the streets of broadway. after a couple of minutes of aimless walking, I came across the central park where Philip and I are to meet once again. I sat upon a hill where a lake sat below it. not so long after. I saw a little shilouettio of a man who I assumed to be Phillip. 

we had decided to meet here when we were still in the garden. 

"Hello again." he piped. a smile shined on his face. his freckles showing with the help of lamplight. 

"Hey." I looked from him to the lake. "How's your dad? I heard he lost." I said insensitively

"oh... yeah." he said at a loss of words, " umm he's mad. he hates it when he loses, let alone it being Jefferson." he says looking at me. its quiet for a bit but he's still looking at me. it's not until I look to my left at him that the silence ended.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked as I looked into his lustful eyes as he stared into my (E/C) orbs. I blush and look away. 

"What was that?" his eyebrows raise and he leans closer to me. now on his hands and knees.

"Nothing," I say continuing to look away as to not let him see the effect he has on me. he crawls in front of me to see my face but I keep turning away. he kneels in front of me and lifts his hand. his pointer finger going under my cheek and his thumb keeping my face in place. he slowly turns my face to face him. I didn't struggle knowing it was pointless. 

"Ooh is that blush I see." it was more of a statement than that of a question. 

"oh bite me," I said as I gently playfully pushed him forgetting that we were on a hill. once I realized my mistake it was too late as Philip took a tumble down the hill and into the lake. oh boi how could I possibly recover from this one? I quickly got up and ran down after him. he was soaking with lake water. 

"Never had a girl react like that before," he said as he sat up in the shallow of the lake and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"It was an accident really I didn't mean it here let me help," I said frantically and held out my hand to help him up. he put his hand in mine and gripped it tight but instead of pulling himself up he pulled me down. I still held onto his hand as I fell.  once the shock subsided I started laughing. I couldn't even care that the magenta dress I was still wearing from this morning was covered in mud. 

when he got up I pulled him down like he did me. he landed on me with a thump. I was pinned on the mud with Philip hovering over me. the water from his hair dripping onto me. we stared into each others eyes till he lent down.

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