Chapter 18

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The cold breeze is hitting my face, as my tear stained cheeks lift up while I smile. "That's a beautiful view" I say as I see the sun going down. Continuous shouts and screams crossed my ears, but I didn't spare a look at them. I can't, I don't want to. If I go down, just like the sun, everything will change right? A moon will take my place right.....

"COME DOWN TAEHYUNG! PLEASE I BEG YOU" I heard Jin hyung call out to me, for the tenth time now. My eyes move down, as I see Jin hyung, calling out to me helplessly crying, but what scared me tye most was the man beside him, trapped amongst Joon hyung's arms. His eyes glaring at me angrily, as my body felt numb once again. The same pair of eyes, which took away all my reasons to live.

I got down making him groan in frustration as he looked at me annoyed.
"Do you think I can trust you at this point" I said as staring at his piercing dark eyes. "And what made you think you had an option." he said smirking, pulling out a whiplash from underneath the bed. "He dies either way" he whispered into my ear, before smacking my back with the whip. I yelped in pain as a familiar burning sensation surged throughout my back. "You haven't been disciplined for a while and I'll make sure to do it well." he said before whipping me once again. Regardless to say that I lost count of the number if times he hit me, my body burning with immense pain while my lips stayed parted while I tried to breath. Soon enough he pushed himself back inside me again, not caring how conscious I was at that point. Tears continued dripping down my eyes as sheets continued getting ruined.

Author's POV

"W-WHY DID I F-FALL IN LOVE WITH A M-MONSTER LIKE YOU!!!" Taehyung screamed as pain took over him slowly. Jungkook continued abusing Taehyung's hole, thrusting in deeper as the younger withered underneath him. "I don't understand love. Love makes you weak. Isn't it why you're the one suffering while I feel nothing?" He smirked, while raising one of Tae' legs above his shoulder sinking inside him deeper.

"No matter what your mouth says B-Baby. Your body seems to says something else." Jungkook said scoffing continuing to fuck him at an animalistic pace. "Ah..J-Jeon Jungkook, I h-hate you." were the last words which left Taehyung's mouth before he blacked out.

Day 2-


"Why did I fall for a monster like you!" those were the words that kept ringing throughout my ears. Glancing back at the now broken bed, I saw the man sleeping peacefully with his tear stained cheeks, bangs sticking to his forehead due to sweat, as his lips were swollen and covered in his own dried blood. "See dad, I'm not foolish like you. I didn't let him run away like mom. I'd rather make him disabled than let him go." I crouch down to his level, slowly caressing his hair. "I guess this is my definition of what you call love. Kim Taehyung, you'll forever be my prettiest possession."


My eyes fluttered open as I felt myself inside a car. My body was too numb to feel any sensation. I looked down and all I was wearing was a giant overcoat.

(The following scene is inspired from a manga called BJ Alex. Y'all better check it out :'))

"M-my clothes..." I managed to whisper out as my throat was burning due to thirst. "This will be enough." he said smiling as his fingers played with a tiny remote. I initially thought that by nipples and chest were paining because of Jungkook torturing me.

But this pain was different.

I slowly unwrapped the coat as my eyes widened. Clippers, vibrators and chains dangling around my naked body, lying over the whiplash bruises which were still fresh. My eyes travelled outside the window, sunlight hitting my face. Where does this man want to take me, in this broad daylight in such a condition.

"We're going for a small walk babe." he said moving his fingers across my jawline. "L-like this?" I asked as I saw him nodding nonchalantly.

All of a sudden the car stopped with a screeching sound as I heard the driver say "We've reached the basement" before walking away. "Shall we start" he said before looking at me one last time, his eyes travelling straight towards the remote.

"N-no don't D- Ahhh!" I felt as if I've been struck my lighting. A strange electrifying sensation running throughout my body as it my wounds slowly start burning up. The vibrators buzz at a slow pace inside making me whimper in ecstasy. The clippers weren't helping me to maintain my composure either.

He had made a mess outta me.

"Lets walk around for a while before going in." He said tossing and catching the tiny remote control continuosly. "W-why are you doing this to me." I asked him as my body trembled tremendously. "I'm taming you pup." he said kissing my cheek as we walk out of the car.

Each body cell of mine, felt a more intense sizzling sensation with every step I took. The vibrators were messing with my mind. I was literally limping throughout the walk, my body getting dizzier with each step I took.

"Just f-fuck me already, isn't that what e-eventually want. Hmph, Just do it in the car, I won't care, but stop this." I said clawing on to his shirt sleeve helplessly.

Even though somewhere in my mind, I knew it was all in vain. I still tried to convince him. I saw us nearing the basement door as I sighed in relief. I made it. I was about to grab the door, when I yelped in pain. I saw snickering at my weak figure clinging onto the door handle, as he viciously raised the intensity level. My lips were ajar, trying to breath in as much air as I can.

"Lets not make your hyung wait." he said as he grabbed my waist helping me stand up. Which hyung is he talking about. The door opened with a loud creaking sound, as Jungkook pushed it.

My legs gave up as I saw Yoongi hyung tied onto a chair, pale, helpless, almost unrecognisable. What on earth has done to him.

"I thought about it, Yoongi hyung missed the show yesterday right? How about we do one for him?" Jungkook said grabbing me by my overcoat gently unbuttoning it.

"He's so lucky right?" he said before raising the intensity level to max.


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