Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV:

As she hugs me, she whispers in relief "I wish I had found you earlier." I can't understand her. Found me earlier? Does she know me. "Ma'am do I know you?" I ask her in confusion. She realesed me from her embrace taking a seat between me and Jin hyung.

"Mom did you bring it?" Jin hyung asked her as she nods. What thing is he talking about? I give Jin hyung a confused stare as he signals me to wait. Soon Hyung's mom pulls out a photograph. Looks like its really old. She hands it to me as she points her finger to a toddler on the picture.

"Do you recognize this kid?" She says as I stare at the picture with wide eyes. T-thats a picture of ME? Bu-but why does she have my picture? And it has my mom in it as well. I look at her beautiful smile.

My mom was so young and beautiful in that picture. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I continued staring at my mom.  "Midori-san was really pretty." she said patting my back. "D-did you know her?" I asked her surprised. She wiped my tears with her thumb and started explaining everything.

"I married Jin's dad out of love. We were happy and soon enough we had Jin. It was all going well when his behaviour started changing. He started going to office trips pretty often. I didn't doubt him at that time. I wish I did. When Jin was about 5 years old, his dad said he had to take a trip to Japan for like 2 years. At first I opposed it but he said it was for Jin's better future. Once I called him and your mother picked up the call. That's when I had my first doubt. He returned after 3 years. His phone used to ring a lot after his return until he changed his number. One day I found this picture in his diary. And he also confessed about his dirty deeds in his diary. I divorced him. It was hard, we had to live a poor life, but still better than living on his money. We tried to find you and your mom when Jin got successful. I guess fate had different plans for us."

"S-so Jin hyung..." I tried continuing but choked on my tears instead. Jin hyung came to hugging me tightly. We stayed like that for a while as I gripped on his shirt crying badly. I haven't cried this much in a while.

"But A-aunty as your husband's illegitimate son. Shouldn't you hate me?" I said as I tried to calm down. She smiled at me and said "The only person I should hate is that heartless man who destroyed the lives of two women."

I am not alone mom. I have a family. I have a brother now. I can't be happier. "Even if you weren't related to me. I'd still think of you as my younger brother." Jin hyung said as I hugged him tighter.

I was just calming down after processing everything they said when suddenly the doorbell rang. Is it Jungkook? Did he come to take me back so soon? Will they tell him too? My mind was full of questions until I saw it wasn't Jungkook.

"Oh! The new cutie PA is also here? But why is this baby crying? You! President Joon! Did you threaten him?" Hobi-nim said as soon as he entered. He gave me a tight hug as he smacked Joon sir's...or should I say, my brother-in-law's head.

I never expected our Dance Instructor Jung Hoseok to be so close to brother-in-law. I knew he was very loving and cheerful person from the start. But the question is..What is he doing here?

"Yah! Hobi leave my husband alone! And you can't call him*points at me* cutie PA anymore." Jin hyung said making Hobi hyung pout. Jin hyung laughed and explained everything to him.

"Oh my god! Is this some kind of wattpad story" Hobi hyung said making everyone laugh.[Author:- very subtle fourth wall break fr ]

"So Joon called me so that Jin hyung could tell me that TaeTae is his brother?" Hobi hyung said as he starts drinking his juice. "No, hobi we called you because we need to tell him about Jungkook's past" Jin hyung said making Hobi hyung choke. "*cough* Kookie's *cough* past?" Hobi said widening his eyes making both of them nod.

" Shouldn't y'all call Jimin then?" Hobi hyung asked as Joon hyung replied "Yes, but we need everyone to present their side of the story. Jimin must be-" He was about to continue but got interrupted by the doorbell. And it was Jimin himself.

"Jimin you know why we are here right?" Jin hyung said as Jimin nodded. " I'll leave you kids alone" Aunty said as he goes upstairs. " Jimin-ah...Are you really- " " I'm fine hyung. Don't worry." Jimin cuts Hobi hyung making him nod.

What do they mean by Jungkook's past. And why do they suddenly want to tell me about it. What's going on.

Jimin sits beside me and holds my hand. He looks into my eyes and says "Has he abused you too?" My heart stopped. How did he know! And what does he mean by you too? Was he also? Oh god!

" W-what do you mean by you too?" I asked him as my heart beats nervously. Jimin suddenly rips my turtle neck, making the cold air touch my bare chest. I could hear everyone gasp.

There were bites given by him, there were burns given by him. Visible purple marks of the whiplash still didn't fade away. Jin hyung's hands trembled as he touches one of the painful marks. I hiss because of slight pain as I see tears in my hyung's eyes.

"B-but that day in the dressing room he wasn't.." Jin tried to say but Jimin cuts him off. "Hyung, you only saw his back. Jungkook would never let anyone ruin his man's smooth clear back. Not even himself." Jimin's words remind me of how he put ointment on the burns on my back, but wasn't bothered about any other injuries.

" Taehyung-ah... He has replaced me with you. Hyung, the old Jungkook is back... T-the Old.." Jimin tries to continue but chokes on his tears. As if he recalled a very painful memory.

What was the old Jungkook like....

So, I went to search for some Adorable Taejin moments and now I'm soft
Stay tuned to know Jungkook's past. Now Cry with me-

 Now Cry with me-

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