Chapter 17

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Author's POV

Namjoon sat there, holding Jin's hands tightly as the elder shakes in anxiety. Jimin helped Hoseok sit up. Within a few minutes, the clock strikes eight.

Everyone's eyes fixed over the phone. Soon the silence of the room was broken by the ringing phone. Jimin quickly grabbed the phone. " I-its a video call..." he said as Namjoon takes the phone from him and picks up the call.

" Oh! Joon hyung...Long time no see. How's the company?" the brunette said sarcastically, making the elder scoff.
" Pretty rough. All thanks to you." he replied coldly.

" Where is Taehyung!?" Jin screamed at the screen and Jungkook laughed. " Aww Jin hyung, he's fine. I even dressed him up today. Especially for y'all to see." Jungkook said smiling.

" Jimin-ah! You must be so happy to get rid of me. But thanks to you, I realised how much prettier Taehyung was. And the best part is, I don't have to pretend being all loving and be myself. The cruel self." Jungkook said as a tear slipped off Jimin's eye. Painful memories flashing before him.

" Hobi hyung~ so your pretty little boyfriend managed to help you escape? Good for you. But too bad for him. Somebody has to take your place right?" He said as he held out a picture in front of the camera.

" Yo- Yoongi...." Hobi whispered in weak voice, breaking into tears soon after. Jimin pats Hoseok's back in an attempt to calm him down.

Namjoon clenches his fists in helplessness as he sees his loved ones breaking down. But stays quiet.

Taehyung's POV

The fact that I was dressed in a silk robe again, while Jungkook called my hyung was terrifying to me.

" Taehyung~ why are you standing there? Won't you greet your Jin hyung?" Jungkook said as I widened my eyes. How can I show him my face, when I'm like this!?

" I-I can't go like t-this." I tried to say but he glared at me with fierce eyes " Babyboy... Sit on my lap." His voice always had a weird effect on me. As if my body wasn't in my control anymore.

I unconsciously took my steps towards him, and before I knew it, I was already sitting on his lap.

While my brother watched me through the screen....

I tried to move away, but he held my waist tightly with his arm. Tears of humiliation trickled down my eyes, as I stared at him helplessly.

He smirked at me as he wiped my tears with his thumb. "Aww, Honey I haven't even started yet." he said as I looked at his shocked."W-What do you mean by haven't even started" I asked him, shaking in fear, silently praying its not what I think.

"They don't know yet whom you belong to, I have to show them today..."

Author's POV

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's chin, forcefully putting his lips onto his. Taehyung's eyes widened at his sudden actions. The fact that his hyung was about to watch him make out, in front of them was tearing him apart.

Jungkook forces his tongue into the younger's mouth making him moan. Tears start flowing down his eyes once again, as he steals a few glances of the screen.

Jin looked at him, anger clearly reflecting in his eyes. Meanwhile, Jimin shook vigorously as memories of his painful past started flooding into his mind once again. Both Hoseok and Namjoon trying their best to calm down the person beside them.

Jungkook slowly moved down as he continued sucking Taehyung's collarbone. A moan escaped Taehyung's lips, as Jungkook teeth grazed onto his skin. His arms roams around his chest, as he continued playing with his now perked nipples.

Taehyung whimpered under his touch..helplessly.

"Should we move on to the next step sweetie?" Jungkook said as Taehyung widened his eyes. The look Jungkook had in his eyes was beyond his understanding. But one thing that he knew for sure was

He'll never be able to face his brother after this...

Jungkook grabs Taehyung by his waist, as the younger begs him to let go. " S-sir, please switch the camera off, please!" He screamed, just to get thrown onto the bed the very next moment.

" No.. They need to know who owns you. They need to know who you belong to. The thought of separating you from me shouldn't cross their mind!" Jungkook said as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Taehyung's tears wouldn't stop. He knew, if Jungkook starts commanding him after this, he won't have control over himself. He continued sobbing silently, while Jungkook continued disrobing him.

" Jungkook! Don't you dare!" Jin screamed furiously through the screen, as he saw his younger brother suffering silently. Jungkook just smiled and ignored Jin's desperate shouts and threats.

Soon enough he undressed Taehyung while cuffing his hands behind. "P- please, blindfold me...." Taehyung whispered. "I can't watch my hyung looking at me, while you destroy me."

" When did you start ordering me around?" Jungkook said as made the younger sit on his lap once again. " I own you... You don't own me." he said as he pushed his lubed finger inside his hole.

" Ah- mmm" Taehyung tried his best not to moan, while he pursed his lips tightly. Jungkook smirked at him, as he continues to push in two fingers inside him. " Please d-don't..." Taehyung one last time.

Jungkook smiled at him and replied " I won't stop until you pass out... Just like our first night..." A shiver runs down his spine while Jungkook's words rang through his ears.

The Taehyung who thought he was used to it, was gone.

The Taehyung who thought he won't feel pain while he destroyed him was gone.

The old, vulnerable, who shivered under his touch was back....

" Jin hyung! Are you enjoying the show so far? Umm maybe you want to see further? Oh I'll move on to the next step then.." Jungkook said as he held Taehyung's waist tightly.

" Don't disappoint your hyung. We need to put on a good show right Sweetie?" The older said as he gently pecked Taehyung's lips.

" H-hyung please e-end the call!" Taehyung shouted out as he knew he won't be able hold his voice in anymore. " He can't." Jungkook said as Taehyung looked at him confused.

" If they end the call...Yoongi will die." He said as Taehyung trembled. " D-die?" He asked while Jungkook nodded. " So be a good boy and listen to daddy." He said as pecked the younger's cheek.

Hoseok sobbed as he was forced to see Taehyung suffer in front his eyes, while he knew if he ended the call, his lover dies. He felt guilty and helpless.

" Ride." Jungkook commanded as he unbuckled his pants. Taehyung nods and slowly slides down onto him. He bites onto his lips harshly. His lips started bleeding as he tried to hold in his moans.

Jungkook licks the blood from his lips, humming at the metallic taste of the liquid. " Move baby~" Jungkook whispered slowly into Taehyung's ear nodded shivering from his voice.

His thin waist moved up and down rhythimically. His hands wrapped around the older's nape tightly.

" The more you keep it in, the more harder will it be for Yoongi. So moan for me you slut"

Hi, guys sorry for such a late update. I've been busy with a few things. 

Stay tuned for next chapter :)

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