Chapter 19

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"TAEHYUNG GET BACK HERE" I heard an unexpected voice. I break contact with Jungkook's bloodthirsty eyes as I see Hobi hyung shouting at me. A sense of guilt rushed through my body, as my eyes met his restless ones. Flashbacks of Yoongi hyung taking his last breath in my arms haunted me once again as I was now standing up. "I KILLED HIM HYUNG, HE DIED FOR ME! YOU SHOULD HATE ME" I shouted my heart out stepping back towards the edge.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT HE'S DEAD KIM TAEHYUNG. HE'S ALIVE, My love isn't weak. He can't die, he would never. Now come down." He said with his glossy red eyes, he was hardly able to stand as his face was painted with exhaustion.



"Hnnghh" Taehyung yelped in pain as his knees weakened, his body landing on the cold floor. "You know you have to beg me right?" Jungkook said grabbing Taehyung's chin, bruising the poor boy's chin.

"I'm tired of submitting to you." Taehyung whispered weakly, as each cell in his body trembled in exhaustion. "I'll never allow you to get tired of me. You said it yourself, you love me. Is your love for me that weak?" the older smiled grabbing a handful of Taehyung's hair maintaining eye contact.

Taehyung's body never stopped trembling, the quiet room was filled with Taehyung's heavy breathing, the sharp buzzing sound of the lewd objects, attached to the pitiful black haired male.

"W-why are you here again." a deep and rough voice echoed through the room as the other two shot their head up towards the other direction. "Looks like we woke up. Did you have a good sleep hyung?" Jungkook laughed, sarcasm dripping from each of his words.

Yoongi struggled to open his eyes, his body covered with bruises, his clothes torn and dusty. His face was painted with his own dried blood, hiding the bruises underneath them.

Jungkook tightened his grip against Taehyung's hair dragging him across the floor, all the way towards Yoongi. "I brought a visitor along with me today." the ruthless maniac said brushing his free hand against the tied man's jawline.

"Why a-are you doing this. WE NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG WITH YOU!" Yoongi screamed with the last bit of strength left with him. Jungkook's eyes turned darker as the sadistic smile on his face washed away. He switched off Taehyung's equipments as the poor boy finally was able to breath normally again. His hormones still on the peak.

"Everything you guys did to me was wrong. I'm surprised how y'all don't realize it." Jungkook smiled looking at Yoongi who's eyes gazed at the man in front of him, confused.

Jungkook walked to the darker corner of the room which Yoongi never noticed. He instantly shut his eyes as the sudden light almost blinded him.

As he adjusted his his eyes to the sudden exposure, his body trembled at the sight in front of him.

"I knew I should've killed you all before." he said as the red marker in his hand traced across the board beside him. Posted with pictures of each of them. As his eyes unravel the story from his point of view.
(In case you all are a bit confused refer to chapter no. 12)

"Jungkookie!" I heard hobi hyung call out for me as I out on my fake smile. I never liked anyone of them. They all pitied me. They all think I'm just a kid who needs sympathy. But I need to be sweet to them, I need to see my Jimin. "Hobi hyung, here." I said greeting him with my signature bunny smile, handing him our shared diary.
As I come back, to my room I see the shared diary lying on my desk. Did I hand him the wrong one? I sprint back and was about to call him out, when I saw him going through my diary. 

"Jungkook! Why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me! Is being trapped your definition of love?" Jimin screamed at me, as tears streamed down his eyes. He was heartbroken, he was in agony. But all my mind could think of was why did his face look so pretty when he cried out of pain. I wanted to see him in that state.
Again and again

"You're sick Jungkook! Stay away from Jimin! He is not an object!" Hobi hyung shouted at me hiding Jimin behind him. I wished to kill him right then and there, but Namjoon hyung held me back. That was the first time I hated him. I was all alone. Jung Hoseok took away Jimin from me. And because of Seokjin, Namjoon hyung didn't have time for me.

That day I promised myself, that I will kill both of them. I'll claim what belongs to me. My Jimin, My hyung will be mine.

I came to this place everyday, thinking of different ways to kill them. Until I met my love. "Congratulations to no.69 Virgin Beauty is your property now." these words gave me different kind of satisfaction. Finally there was something that I can call mine. Something nobody would steal from me. And moreover, he resembled my mom so much. How can I give up on him? I can't be foolish like my dad.

Yoongi looked at the man terrified as Jungkook broke the red marker in his hands, his face smiling innocently. He has never seen someone being as mad as him.

Jungkook walks up to Taehyung who tried to relieve himself, as his hormones pained him. "How dare you" he growled grasping the boy's hand firmly.

"I thought I could call you mine. I thought you belonged only to me. BUT EVEN YOU BETRAYED ME."

And everyone who betrays me deserves to die.

Because if I can't own them, no one should be able to either.

Ok anywaysss as you can make out we are close to the end of the book. If I can manage I'll try and post the Last chapter and epilogue pretty soon.

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