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It has been five years, since we lost Taehyung. That evening was something that still is a tearjerker, an unfortunate memory. Sometimes I wondered, if things would've been different. If I never found out he was my brother. If I never intervened. How'd things turn out then?

"APPA!" My four year old daughter shouts at me, as I quickly wipe off my tears, replacing my sad smile with a genuine one. "Were you crying?" she asked, clinging onto my neck as I seated her on my lap. "Of course not! Will my handsome face look good if I cry?" I said mockingly to which she giggled.

"You'll still be handsome no matter what!" she said proudly as I ruffled her hair. "Definitely! I am world wide handsome." I replied kissing her cheek. "But my friend is more handsome than you!" she said pouting at me angrily.

"You never let me meet your friend, Youngmi!" I said recalling the first time she talked out her friend. "That's because he doesn't want to meet you. I want Appa to him, but he refused." she said defending herself.

"So all your talks for appa? Nothing for papa?" We both heard a familiar voice, as our smiles widened. "PAPA!" Youngmi exclaimed in joy, jumping out of my lap and running straight towards Namjoon.

"Did you go to him again?" I asked with a cold expression. "No matter what, he's my brother. You're attached to your brother whom you met for a brief three months. I spent my entire childhood with him, Please..." I sighed listening him reasoning with me for the twentieth time this year.

"I went to Hoseok too." He continued as I looked up at him with hopeful eyes. He sighed shaking his head as a no. "Youngmi, why don't you go with the driver to the park? Didn't you have an appointment with your friend?" I said smiling, as her confused look changed to a cheerful smile. Nodding her head enthusiastically, she ran to the car, as we both see bid her goodbye.

"How was Hobi?" I asked anxiously as he slumped beside me onto the couch. "As always, hopeful." he said smiling sadly.



Everyone froze at their spots, as the huge splash of water rang in their ears. A heavy silence spreading out throughout the deck. Jin screamed to let him jump into the sea, as Namjoon held his arms tighter. "The waves are too violent. There's no way you can save him." He said as tears slipped off his eyes. Dropping down to his knees, he went silent all of a sudden, which worried Namjoon even more. A chortle echoed through the silent deck, as all eyes landed on the man in handcuffs. Tears streaming down his eyes, while he continued laughing menacingly. "TAKE HIM AWAY ALREADY!" Jimin screamed in agony as the police officers nodded, dragging Jungkook towards the Jeep. Hoseok hugged the tiny guy as he continued weeping. "Y-yoongi hyung?" Jimin whispered preparing himself for the worst. "He slipped into coma" Hoseok replied, smiling painfully.

- Present time -

~At the cemetery~

"I still hate you for what you did" Jin said staring at Taehyung's picture with wet eyes still managing to smile. "You broke all your promises." He continued, running his fingertips across the edges of the rock, that had his brother's name embedded on it.

The silence of the sorrowful place, had nothing but Jin's sniffles echo across the area. "Youngmi must be waiting for you. Let's go back " Namjoon reminded, as he helped Jin stand up.

"You phone's been ringing for a while." Jin pointed out to Namjoon's lit up screen, as notifications of missed calls covered his lockscreen. "Driver?" He said perplexed, as they both exchange glances.

"Youngmi..." Jin whispered as panick strikes both the parents.

~At the playground~

Jin and Namjoon rush to the playground Youngmi usually goes to, only to see a huge crowd along with police cars and an Ambulance blocking the road.

Their anxiety increases, as they both push through the crowd to understand the situation. "S-sir, what happened here-" Namjoon asked one of the police officers, as Jin was barely hanging onto him.

"A man was killed in broad daylight, there was a little girl along with him, who's nowhere to be find."

"Possibly kidnapped by the murderer"

"Sir, are you acquainted with this man by any means?" he asked, taking out a picture.

Namjoon's face turns pale as he stares at the picture in front of him. "That's our driver" he breathed out as tears rush down his eyes.

"Namjoon, our Youngmi..." Jin whispered almost being at the verge of collapsing.

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