Chapter 4

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I looked at him again as he said OK in his low voice. His face was so pale that I could clearly see his pinkish undertones darken into a red colour.

His eyes were shut lightly. For the first time I noticed his beautiful long lashes. I stood up and got some papers.

"What are these?" He asked me as his dark brown eyes fixed onto me with confusion. "Our contract.." I said coldly. " already bought me so I am obliged to do anything you ask anyways." He said nonchalantly.

"You could run away and we need to keep things legal among us baby boy." I said as I pulled the bedside table in front if him. "Read the papers carefully cause you gotta sign it anyways."I said as I passed him the pen.

He started reading it. "Read it out loud." I said sternly staring at him as I folded my sleeves.


I sat their quietly as he handed me a thin bunch of papers.
"Read it out loud" he said in a cold voice making a familiar shiver run down my spine.

"This contract is signed between Party A and Party B.

Party A :- Jeon Jungkook
Party B :- Kim Taehyung

Party B has to work for Party A as his personal assistant till Party A fires him himself.

Their sexual relationship will be totally confidential.

Party B in return will be given a monthly allowance and all his daily needs will be fulfilled by Party A.

Party B cannot be in any kind of relationship with any other male or female.

Party B will stay in the designated house accommodated by Party A

Party B can only address Party A as "Sir" or "Mr Jeon" at all the times. The use of other designations will not be tolerated.

"Enough" he said. "Those are the main conditions. Rest of the pages are filled with useless laws and governmental terms." he continued gesturing his finger towards the pen.

"But why do you want me to be your assistant? I mean I am not experienced at all." I said nervously.

"Don't worry about that I'll teach you."he said. His tone was adamant rude and threatening but

Why did it feel so assuring...

I sighed and nodded.



Its been a month since I broke with Jungkook. Do I regret my decision? No. Our relationship was getting toxic and it was for both of us. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't right?

My contract is still under his company so I have go to the company everyday. See him everyday. I hardly see him. Either he is busy with huge stacks of papers or running around attending meetings. He has engrossed himself in work to get over me.

I hope he gets over me soon.

I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Please come in" I said politely as I removed my headphones. I saw Jungkook's secretary come inside in tears.

"Miss Kang are you okay? What happened?" I asked in a worried tone. "Mr Jeon fired me." She said in sobs as she started collecting some of her things she left in my studio.

"But why? Suddenly?" I asked confused. "He hired a new one." she said and left the studio. I sighed and got back to work.

Call incoming.....

Jimin:- Hello....

???:- Are you sure you wanna continue this?

Jimin:- Yes, don't worry. No feelings involved.

???:- I know. So...In the studio?

Jimin:- Yeah in about 15 minutes. Ok?

???:- Ok.


"Welcome to Kim Entertainment." I said as I saw Taehyung follow me looked at the big building in amazement. He wasn't in an attire in which I usually see him.

A turtle neck sweater topped with a black blazer. His arms and legs fully covered and he still looked so appealing to me. Maybe because the sleek fitting of the pants made his S- lined lower back look prominent.

I walked in and he followed me quietly. Soft whispers filled the hallway as I walked into the corridor with him behind me. I saw Miss Kang bow and pass by me with a box in her hand. I called her in the morning and she was quick enough to take action.

"Get to the desk in front of my cabinet and the girl at the front desk will explain everything to you." He nodded and moved towards the shared lift.

"Wait." I said. He turned back and looked at me with wide eyes. "You will take this lift....with me" He nodded and started walking towards me. His arms stuck to his sides tightly as he pressed his lips nervously.

Author's POV

Jungkook and Taehyung enter the VIP lift together. Taehyung slowly moves to the corner as Jungkook presses the button to the top floor.

Jungkook slowly steps back keeping his gaze fixed on the gorgeous man playing with the corner of his coat in the corner.

He slowly snakes his hand around Taehyung's thin waist. Taehyung's felt his cheeks heat up. Soon the bottom felt his master's warm breaths at the crook of his neck. "S-sir.."taehyung moaned as he felt the warmth of Jungkook's lips on his neck. Soon enough he felt his masters teeth grazing against his smooth neck which sure enough was gonna leave a mark.

"Mhmm..ahh.." A soft moan escaped Taehyung's lips as he felt Jungkook now pulling down turtle neck sweater to suck on his collar bones. He grasped onto Jungkook's silky smooth raven hair in an attempt of suppressing his moans.

Soon Jungkook pulled away and Taehyung pulled up his turtle neck which successfully hid his hickeys. "Now I know why you asked me to work for you." Taehyung said straightening the crinkles on his coat.

"This is just a small part Babe. We still have a lot of things to do. Lets discuss the details in my office?" Jungkook said smirking as he fixed his disheveled hair.

Both of them were so busy talking and fixing themselves that they didn't realise that the lift had already reached the floor and the door was open with a person looking at them with tears in his eyes.


Stay tuned till this damn brain gets some ideas-
Reminder: Y'all better vote :)

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