Chapter 11

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Jin's POV

I was on my movie set. The shooting was over and I was waiting for Namjoon to pick me up. I had too much going on in my mind. I need to spill everything to Namjoon. Before things get more complicated.

"Babe?" a familiar voice called out to me as I smiled. "You look troubled. What's the matter?" Namjoon said in a voice laced with concern. "Lets talk inside the car, Joon" I said walking towards the car as he followed.

The driver starts the car as we roll up the partition. "Joon, you remember I told you about my dad?" I said as he nodded recalling my past words. "He cheated on your mom with a Japanese woman." "Yes, and the poor woman was deceived by him as well. But fate is really weird." I said smiling.

"And what makes you say that?" he asked confused. "Taehyung might be my step brother." I said as I see him widen his eyes. "Taehyung is your.....B-but how did you discover that?" he asked confused.

"The day we went shopping, he has the same birth mark. It runs in the family. My dad had it too." I said. "Then we made a big mistake Jin." Namjoon said terrified. "W-why...I think Jungkook will get over Jimin with Tae's help-" I said as he cuts my sentence. "Jin.... Jungkook isn't just an ordinary heartbroken man."

"His past is much more painful than it seems. Only Jimin me and Hobi hyung know about it." Namjoon said as he starts making calls. "But, how is his past a danger to Taehyung?" I asked confused.

"The Jungkook I know will destroy him Jin..."

Taehyung's POV

I was blankly staring at the blue sea, as I processed all the events that happened so far. I was sold, abused, and tortured. At this point my body instinctively obeys his orders. Its out of my control. At first I thought it was lust. I considered the fact I can enjoy him pleasuring me.

I can't put my feelings straight. Jungkook is messing up my mind.

For him I'm no different than an expensive porcelain vase or an non-living object that he bought. Just a pretty possession.

Suddenly my phone rings. I check the Caller ID. Jin hyung? Why would he call me? I pick up the call.

"Hello? Jin hyung?" I said waiting for a response. "Tae...Can you answer my questions truthfully?" he said making me worried. "I-I guess so.." I replied.

"Are you really Jungkook's personal assistant and nothing else?" he asked making me shocked. Why would he ask that out of nowhere. "Hyung we already had this conversation and.."

"Answer me again Tae." he said coldly. The warm hyung I knew was no longer there. His cold behaviour gave me shivers. "Hyung...." I was trying to think of ways to avoid the question. "I guess you won't answer me. That's enough for me to understand"he said.

"I'm coming to take you back before you develop feelings for him." Jin said sternly. I smiled and replied "Too late hyung." as I hung up.

"Maybe this beast can turn into a human someday." I said staring at Jungkook's picture.

Jungkook's POV

We were able to be in Greece for a week, before Joon hyung called us back in a hurry. Maybe the company has some issues.

Me and Taehyung soon reach the airport. Jin hyung runs to us hugs Taehyung. When did they become so close? I looked at Namjoon hyung confused, just to find him smiling.

What are they hiding...

Jin hyung holds Taehyung's hand and looks at me. "Kookie, Can Taehyung stay with me from now on? He is just your PA right? He'll come to work, but he's staying with me." He is taking Taehyung away from me? No I can't let that happen. NO HE IS MINE. I OWN HIM.

"Hyung, I'm afraid I can't allow that. He is my PA, I need him at home too." I said trying not to show my temper. "Just one week? Please Jungkook..." Jin hyung said making me shocked. He didn't call me Kookie. Something is going on....

"Sure, then." I said smiling. "Just let me speak to him in the car alone then?" I said as they nod their head.

In the car

Taehyung's POV

As soon as we get inside the car, Jungkook grabbed my jaw making me look into his fierce eyes. "Don't even think of running away from me. You are mine and you must stay with me. Remember our contract." The old Taehyung would've been terrified right now. I feel nothing.

I blankly stare at his face nodding." I can't get away from you, I don't even want to." I said before I step out of the car.

At Namjin's House

"Why all of a sudden hyung?" I asked as Jin hyung sit beside me on the couch. "There are a few things you need to know." he said patting my head.

"But for that I need you to tell us the truth, Taehyung." Namjoon hyung said, making me look down. How can I tell them that I was abused for a month and suddenly I got attached to my abuser. Won't they call me a slut? I don't want to ruin Namjoon hyung's and Jungkook's years of brotherly relationship.

"No Namjoon..." Jin hyung said making me shocked. "That can wait, but first I need you to meet someone." Jin hyung said. Meet someone...but who? Whom do I need to meet?

Soon a lady entered the room. She looked as old as my mom. And I found the same affection in her eyes. Somehow, her presence made me feel warm, just like the first time I met Jin hyung.

"Taehyung-ah... This is my mom" Jin hyung said smiling at me. I got up from my seat and bowed to her, but she caught me off guard. She embraced me lovingly. I hear her sighing in relief as she says some words. I don't understand why she said so, but somehow

My heart felt heavy....

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