Chapter 15

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Namjoon's POV

The following week was extremely quiet. Everyday Jungkook would come to pick Tae, and he'd drop him as well. Tae didn't have any bruises. Everything was very peaceful.

Or is this the calm before the storm?

Today Jin decided to tell Jungkook everything, and make Taehyung move in with us. Today is the last day Tae is staying with us.

We both were discussing on how to convince Jungkook and make Tae quit the job. We were both deeply engaged into the serious conversation, when the doorbell rang.

The maids quickly opened the door, revealing


He was covered in blood, bruises and sweat. His clothes were a mess and he was about to pass out. I quickly rushed and grabbed his shoulder. Jin wasted no time and called in for a doctor.

"Hobi hyung, w-who did this to you?" I asked as he was hardly conscious at that point. " Yo- " he was about to say the name, but passed out.

Me and Jin somehow managed to take him to the guest room. After a few minutes the doctor arrived and started checking Hobi hyung's condition.

" He has bruises all over his body, its definitely a case of physical assault. He also shows severe signs of starvation. I've binded up his wounds and written down some painkillers for now. He might needs some mental consultation after waking up. Give me a call after he wakes up." The doctor said and bowed, leaving the room.

" D-did Taehyung go through this too?" Jin asked trying hard to control his tears. He slowly sits beside Hobi hyung as he caressed his hair. How do I tell him that,

Taehyung had it much harder....

~Time skip~

Hoseok's POV

The faint sounds of murmuring filled my ears. My whole body was so painful that it was hard for me to move around. I tried to call out loudly, but all that escaped my lips was a low stuttering whisper.

" Wa-water..."

I somehow managed to speak out, as I heard people rushing towards me. Familiar voices calling out my name. So me reaching Joon's house was not a dream. I sighed in relief as a tear escaped my eye.

"Hobi, Why are you crying? Is it hurting very bad? Please endure it for a while. I called the doctor they'll be here soon." I heard Jin hyung say as he caressed my face with his warm hands.

"I'm fine hyung. B-but what day is it...." I asked scared that it was too late. " Its Thursday." Joon said making me terrified. "J- Joon Jung- Jungkook...." I was about to finish my sentence when somebody barged in.

" Sorry for interrupting you. But Sir, we need you at the company immediately." The unknown man, who was no doubt an employee at Bighit. " Why? Where is Jungkook?" Joon immediately asked as the man looked down and said

"Jeon CEO is no where to be found. We aren't able to reach him by any means."

I could hear faint gasps from both Jin hyung and Joon. I wish I wasn't this weak. If only, I were to reach here earlier, If only

I trusted the right people...

I could hear Jin hyung going through the news frantically. " W-wait, Is PA Kim also missing along with CEO Jeon?" Jin hyung asked the employee. " We actually called him before trying to contact CEO. His phone couldn't be reached either." The man said leaving the room.

I could feel Jin hyung plopping down on the bed. No... I can't stay weak. I have to try getting up. I have to tell them everything I know. We got no time to waste.

" Namjoon..." I called out as he rushed beside me. I grabbed his shoulder and sit up, leaning my back on the headboard. " H-hobi, you should rest. You are still weak." Joon tried to say as I assured him that I'll be fine.

Jin wiped his tears as his eyes shot up with rage. " Who did this to you Hobi?" he said as I tried not to cry out.


I wasted no time and immediately headed home after the conversation at Joon's house. I was greeted with a warm hug as soon as I opened the door. " Aww, did you miss me that much baby?" I said giggling. He smiled back at me with his adorable gummy smile. How can I not forget all my worries seeing this? We both plopped down on the couch still cuddling. " Why are so clingy today? Not that I'm complaining but its new coming from you. " It maybe the last time, you let me hug you." he said making me frown. " And what makes you say that?" I asked confused as I held his chin making him face me. He had tears in his eyes as he caressed my face. I never meant to hurt you. . . . . .

But now I have to.

He said before I felt a sharp pain on my neck. I look towards him, as my tears welled up. He pressed the syringe deeper into my nerve as I slowly black out.

I woke up in a completely unknown place. It was dark and dusty. Probably a basement. I was continuously banging the steel door, begging Yoongi to open it. But instead I heard Jungkook's voice.

"Your little boyfriend won't come to save you Hyungieee~ Aren't you mad at him? He betrayed you!" he said laughing sinisterly. " Jungkook You must've threatened him! I know! Don't you dare! And Why did you lock me up? What did I do?" I asked him yelling. " Aww Hyungiee~ You didn't do anything. But I need to lock you up. Or else the game won't be fun."

" What game.... " I asked him nervously.

" Hobi hyung. Curiosity killed the cat. I'll give you everything you need to survive. Just stay quiet, or I have my ways to make you shut up. Don't make me do it hyung." he said as I heard him walk away.

I slide down against the cold metal door, crying hysterically. Every time someone tried to bring in food for me, I tried wrestling my way out, but failed miserably.

Three days of failure, I was still locked inside, but tried to escape everytime I saw a chance. I was trying to figure out a way out when I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. " Hyungieee~ I heard you are causing a lot of trouble. Don't blame me now. "

He said as I gave him a terrified stare. Soon some bulky men, entered the room. " Make sure he is unable to walk." He said and left. " J-Jungkook! You can't do this to me." I shouted trying to grab him, instead I found lying on the cold floor as one of the men pulled me back.

After a few hours of continuous beating, I was still laying down, on the cold floor. I coughing up blood, my lips totally bruised. The sharp pain in my abdomen and ribs was killing me. I could hardly move. Each part of mine was so sore.

~Present time Namjoon's POV~

"Then how did you escape?" Jin asked as hobi hyung couldn't hold it in anymore. He started crying once again as he said a name which I never expected.

" Yoongi ...."

Yoongi helped Jungkook to capture Hobi. Yoongi also helped Hobi hyung to escape. What exactly is going on with him.

How are Yoongi and Jungkook connected?

So finally Yoongi has entered the scene. The next chapter will be completed based on Yoongi, his connection with Jungkook, and his relationship with Hobi. I'll also drop a hint about Taehyung.
Stay tuned :)

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