Chapter 2

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The whole month I have been living with this nameless man who apparently has "bought" me. One stupid decision just put a pricetag to my entire life.

A pricetag of One million.

In these 4 weeks, the only times I saw him was either while he was using me a experimental mouse in a sex laboratory and the dinner table.

All the other time either he would shut himself overworking in his office or be gone for his work outside. The house maybe big and lavish, but it was living hell for me.

A hell where I was trapped with a sadistic Satan.

Sometimes, I simply wished if I could just die but, even my own death wasn't something I could decide. During the first 2 weeks all that haunted my mind was "What did I do to deserve all this.."

But now it feels weird but all I have on my mind is

"What made him so cold.."

The first two weeks, whenever he glared at me I trembled to the core and palms got all clammy. But as days passed the I got kinda... Used to all this. And now the only question which haunts me is..

"What made him so cruel and thirsty?"

The maids he kept in the houses were all deaf and mute. So it was pretty hard to interact with them. And I never needed to, because everything was fixed already.

~That night~

As always I was sitting in the room or I would rather call it a "sex laboratory" all alone. My fingers fidgeted with satin gown as I awaited him.

Usually my heart would beat fast in terror, beads of sweat would form on my forehead and my mind would fill with his terrifying dead gaze.

Today, I felt surprisingly calm. As if, my body had gotten used this torture.

Torture? Was my body taking it as a torture anymore? I wasn't sure.

A familiar creaking sound interrupted my inner monologue. The man with Raven hair yet again staring at me with his dark lustful eyes. His skillful tongue wets his beautiful cherry tinted lips.

Today my eyes stared at him with a different perspective.

It wasn't Fear

It wasn't Disgust

No! It wasn't love...

L u s t ...

I stared at him without blinking. I knew this demon was handsome. But was he always this attractive? I watched the shirtless man wiping a whip clean.

"Babyboy..."he said in a deep voice making me come back to my senses. I slightly flinched as I saw him play with the whip in his hands.

He sat beside me and placed his hand on the inner side of my thigh. He played with ribbon of my silk robe as he asked me " Lets play a game today.."

"W-what game?" I asked as I nervously tightened my grip on the bedsheet. He smirked. He loosened my robe revealing my neckline and said " I wanna hear you call me."

I gave him a questionable look as I didn't even know his name. He moved closer to me as he pulled down my robe. "Say yes sir and every time I ask you something. If you fail to do so. You are getting a taste of this whip sweetheart."

My eyes diverted to the whip lying beside him. I gulped the lump formed in my throat as I knew "No" wasn't an option. I closed my eyes signaling my submission.

He placed one of his hands on my nape as he leaned in for a kiss. Surprisingly it wasn't rough this time. Maybe it was but my heart would rather call it..


I moaned softly as we tasted each other's lips. For the first time I realised that his lips tasted sweet. I never really focused on any of the features, any of his tastes.

He kinda tasted like strawberries and cigarettes.

My heart rate escalated slowly as his warm tongue roamed inside my mouth. His other hands rubbing my bulge.

I pushed him away as he looked at me with terrifying eyes. I smirked and said "Lemme take care of that today." I pointed towards his bulge.

He looked at me surprised. Suddenly I felt a striking pain on my thigh. The painful warmth spreading across my legs.

He held my chin making me look into his eyes. "Baby..You forgot to say the keyword." I slowly pushed myself towards him as I said " Can I pleasure you tonight......SIR". He ran his long slender fingers through my hair as he gently pushed me down towards his crotch.

I slowly unzipped his pants and pulled them down. His bulge seemed bigger as it had only his Calvin Klein boxers to cover it. And soon enough I had his long thick length in my hands. The length I was never allowed to see.

"Big..." I mumbled. He giggled softly. I licked off his glistening precum from the tip of his erection. I took it in my hands as my wet lips felt its warmth. I started rubbing my fingers across it as my lips continued devouring the tip.

My moved my tongue in circles making him tug onto my hair a little harder. My ears soon filled up with his muffled groans as I started deep throating him.

"Mhmm....taking it in so well..." he said as I continued bobbing my head. My breathing got harder as it started getting harder and bigger inside me mouth.

He continued stroking my member as I pleasured him. Soon enough I came making me moan all over his dick. I earned few muffled moans from him as he lied down breathing heavily.

Soon enough I found myself swallowing his cum. It was salty and I liked it.
"Do not waste a single drop baby boy." He commanded . I nodded continuing to lick off the flowed down cum.

Suddenly I felt him grab me by my hip and before I knew I was lying below him. My heart started racing as he sucked on my perked nipples. His tongue swirled around it, making my body shiver with pleasure of the tingling cold sensation.

He turned me around making me lie down on my stomach with my ass up in the air.

He squeezed my butt before slamming in inside. I growled in pain as he didn't finger me before it.

"H-how do yo-you st-till re-remain so ti-tight even after us doing it so many times.." He groaned as he started thrusting. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I felt pleasure taking over me.

"D-damn" I whispered as I bit my lower lip to control my moans. I felt stinging pain on my left butt cheek the warmth of the pain mixed with pleasure that was hitting me.

"Da-daddy.." I whispered breathing heavily. "Good boy.." He said thrusting in deeper hitting my prostate. The rush of adrenaline was too much. It was driving me crazy.

I never really realised the pleasurable part of sex. All my mind considered it as was sheer torture. But now that I focus on the pleasurable part I don't regret it.

The pain of the whip lashes fixing up with pleasure of his thrusting was too overwhelming. My moans were not muffled anymore.

Yes I became a moaning mess. His heavy breathing mixed with the skin slapping and noise of whiplash felt like music to my ears.

That day I realised what it felt like to have a kink.

I had a whiplash kink....

I was hella cringey back when I wrote this💀

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