Chapter 13

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Author's POV

Jin wrapped Taehyung's now bare body with a blanket as Hobi consoled Jimin. An awkward silence fills the room.

"So..."Namjoon starts off breaking the silence, "we'll start from the very start I guess?" everyone nods at his statement.


I entered the house. There were police officers, reporters all over the place. I still wander around to look for that one person. As I enter the kitchen, I see a small figure hugging onto an apron. I slowly crouch down to him patting his head as I call out his name "Jungkook-ah" the small boy looks at me with his swollen eyes. "H-hyung she..." He tried speaking but instead more tears rolled down his cheeks. I hugged him softly and brought him home. Jungkook's dad abused his mom but never touched her back, as she had to wear backless dresses for formal events. Jungkook was raised under same pressure as me. To be the perfect heir.

But his mom couldn't take it anymore and eloped with her another man. The last words she said to her were "You need to cherish the ones you love Kookie. If not they'll run away from you. Just like I'm running away from your dad."

His dad couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide. After a few rounds of therapy he seemed alright to us but... He wasn't"

Namjoon stopped looking over to Hoseok as he nodded and continued

"Me and Namjoon were high school friends. And that's how I came across Jungkook. He was a really sweet child. At first he was really quiet but soon opened up to us. Jimin used to learn dance from me since his middle school, and he was close to Jungkook's age. So I thought it would be nice to introduce both of them. But it turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.

They got close pretty soon. And we weren't surprised when they got into a relationship in high school. They both shared a diary, and I thought it was cute. One day Jimin couldn't come so I had to fetch their diary. But somehow while Jungkook gave it to me, he mixed it up with another diary. It looked exactly the same.

It turned out to be his personal diary. I sneaked a glance at it and realised it. But continued reading it. He had written about their first meet in it.

Dear Diary,
I met a tiny boy today. He had cute cheeks and the warmest hugs, just like mom. He even game me a nickname Kookie, just like mom. Is this the love person, mom was talking about? Does that mean I take dad's role and he takes mom's role?
But I'm not stupid like dad, I won't hurt him...

I was about to read further but saw Jungkook running towards me. I quickly closed the book as he asked "Hyung did you read that diary?" "Nope, why?" I said trying not show that I'm lying. "I gave you the wrong one." he said smiling. We exchanged the books. Thats where I made the second mistake, I should've read further or at least try to understand the meaning.

Jimin consoles Hobi trying to reduce the guilt he felt. "Hobi hyung you never did anything intentionally. You just hoped for a better future for us. Shall I continue?" he said making them look at him worriedly. Jimin smiled " I'll be fine don't worry." he said before presenting his side.

"Jungkook and I were like any other couple. Nothing ever seemed off about him. He got jealous easily. But that was it. Soon I got recruited in Namjoon hyung's company as a trainee. But because Jungkook also had shares in the company. He visited pretty often. A bit too often. He never asked for my schedules and visited exactly when I was free. He surprisingly knew all the people, I met. Every time I confronted him he'd come up with an excuse of hearing it from someone else.
Soon Joon hyung resigned as pursued his writing career and married Jin hyung. So Jungkook was the new CEO now.

He didn't let me collaborate or interact with any other artist, reasoning it with avoiding rumors. We moved in together in his mansion. The mansion in which you lived with him. And he had a room he didn't let me enter. But one day I ended up entering it. He had my paintings, my pictures all over the walls. Even my schedule. Literal surveillance cameras? Is he monitoring every action of mine?

I turned out to leave, but he was already standing there at the door. He stared at me, not lovingly but fiercely. "I think I told you NOT to enter this room. Don't blame me now" he said making shivers run down my spine. He threw me over his shoulder as he carried me to a room I didn't think ever existed. We had made love many times. But this time he didn't make love to me. He was just a beast who fucked me mercilessly.

Day by day he started getting more and more jealous. More restrictive. I told everything to Namjoon and Hobi hyung. I moved out, and soon broke up with him. But even after our break up he once abducted me and "punished" me inside that same dreadful room. But this time Joon hyung rescued me and brought Jungkook to therapy.

Suddenly his phone calls stopped. His attempts stopped. Thats when I saw you, in that lift. I was relieved but at the same time worried about you. But you somehow looked genuinely happy.

Jimin eyes got watery again, as the painful memories flashed in front of him. But Taehyung didn't look scared at all. He just smiled and said

" I'm glad you broke up with him. Or else I would've never met him...."

Everyone widened their eyes at Taehyung's words. " T-Taehyung-ah! What do you mean?" Jin said grabbing Taehyung's shoulder making him face him.

Taehyung had no expressions on his face. He just gave him a sad smile and replied

"Hyung... I've already fallen for him."

Yup, updating another episode as an apology of being gone for so long. I'm really sorry to keep y'all waiting. I will try my best to update often. I hope y'all stay healthy and safe. Stay home read my chapters LOL. :)

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