Chapter 14

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Author's POV

There was an awkward silence in the room as those dreaded words, escape from Taehyung's mouth. Jin looks at his younger brother devastated as he knew, his fate has taken a horrible turn.

Namjoon looks at Taehyung in shock, trying to understand, how can he fall in love with a person who has scarred him for the rest of their lives.

All their internal monologues were interrupted by Taehyung's ringing phone. Taehyung quickly picks it up, as soon as he sees the Caller ID.

"Its good to know that my baby didn't keep me waiting." a familiar voice echoed through Tae's ears as he smiled. " Definitely Sir, How could I have the nerve to disobey you." he said as everyone else in the room realises, who the caller is.

"I taught you well baby, didn't I? So make an excuse and come back to me as soon as possible okay?" Jungkook said, making Tae laugh.

"I would've done that anyways." he said as Jungkook hung up. Taehyung gets up and walks upstairs as Jin follows him. "Hyung lend me some spare clothes." Taehyung said as Jin nods leading him to his room.

Jungkook's POV

Something is definitely going on. Jin hyung and Tae getting so close. They only met once or twice. And Namjoon hyung didn't tell me anything. Even his expressions at the airport didn't seem confused. They are hiding something from me.

What exactly are they planning?

I get my car keys and dash out of the house. I need to see Tae right now. I didn't directly enter the house. I parked my car a bit far away and walked till the turn near their house.

"Hello Joon hyung?" I call him as he wastes no time picking my call up. "Oh Jungkook, are you coming to pick Tae?" Joon hyung said as if he knew. "Umm... Yeah. I'm just about to leave my house. I'll probably reach there in 30 minutes" I lied, I was standing just 5 mins away from his house.

I hide myself in a corner, as I watch a familiar motorbike and vanity pass by. Hobi hyung? Jimin? Why were they here? My suspicion on the hyungs is just getting deeper. But I am Jeon Jungkook. I don't repeat my mistakes. Taehyung is not Jimin.

You can never separate him from me even if you want to.

Jimin's POV

I suddenly feel a shiver run down my spine. As if something bad was going to happen. My manager quickly covers me with a blanket, as she sees me rubbing my arms. " Thankyou Noona." I said softly as she pats my head.

The only person who knows everything other than the hyungs is Manager Noona. I've always been grateful to her, for handling everything so well. She's the only person I trust besides the hyungs.

" What's wrong Jimin-ah?" She asked me with a worried expression. " Noona, Jungkook." I tried not to choke on my tears. She hugs me immediately, slowly rubbing my back. " What did that bastard do again?" she said furiously.

" Its not me this time, Noona. Do you know Assistant Kim?" I asked and as she widens her eyes. "The new boy? He was hired last month right? What about him?"

Why is Noona so worked up as soon as I mentioned Tae? Maybe she's just curious. " Jungkook got over me, because of him. And now he's obsessed with him." I said as she smiled. " Isn't it good then? You are free now." I sighed at her response.

" But I can't witness someone else going through the same kind of pain, the fact that I know what he's going to face makes me feel guilty Noona." I said as my tears started welling up.

" Jimin, its his fate. Stop blaming yourself. And you are already sweet enough to care for a stranger's life." she said in an attempt to comfort me.

" He's not a stranger, he's Jin hyung's half brother. Jin hyung cared for me like his own brother, I feel guilty that his own brother has to go through something I went through." I said as she gasped at my words.

" Assistant Kim is Mr. Seokjin's half brother?." she said unable to connect the dots." I'll tell you everything when we reach the company." I said as she nodded.

Taehyung's POV

I wasted no time in getting changed. " Jin hyung drop me at-" I was about to say when we got interrupted by another voice. " Jin hyung! Your kookie is here~" a familiar voice spoke out. Jin looked at me terrified.

" Y-yes Jungkook-ah! Coming!" Jin hyung shouts back. " Bring my PA too. I'm here to fetch him. I'm getting late for work." Jin hyung looks at me with worried eyes as I smiled and pulled his hand signaling him to go downstairs together as he nods reluctantly.

" Jin Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as we entered the living room. "W-why Jungkook? What made you think like that?" Jin hyung said trying not to show disgust. " You don't call me kookie anymore. You never called me Jungkook. Not that I'm complaining, but something seems a bit off." Jungkook said raising one of his eyebrows.

Jin hyung went pale after hearing his words. He didn't know how to reply. " I- " " Jungkook-ah! You are such a hypocrite. First you tell him not to call you Kookie and baby you. Now you blaming him." Joon hyung quickly defends Jin hyung and started fake laughing.

" Oh... Haha, Thanks hyung. For finally acknowledging me as a 25 year old!" Jungkook said smiling, but I could sense that he wasn't convinced. The Jungkook I know can't be fooled so easily. " So shall I take my PA? I'll drop him back." Jungkook said. Namjin hyung's glanced at each other as Namjoon hyung nods with a little smile.

I quickly get up and bow towards Joon hyung while staring at Jin hyung assuring him I'll be fine. " Lets go sir." I said as he smirked. He leaned closer to me and whispered " Good boy.." I nodded as we both exit the Namjin mansion.

There was a deadly silence inside the car. I blankly stared outside the window, thinking about everything the hyungs and Jimin said last night. Me being Jin hyung's half brother. Jimin and Jungkook's toxic relationship. I knew everything. I should be scared right?

Why don't I feel anything? Why do I still have feelings for this man, even after knowing everything about him?

My thoughts was interrupted by Jungkook as he says

" Jin hyung maybe your biological half brother. But that doesn't mean you can escape from me."

W-what! How did he know. Did I speak my thoughts out loud? There's no way Joon hyung would've said anything to him. Jimin would be the last person who would want to contact him.

Was it Hobi hyung?!

Thanks for all the love y'all have shown to my book.

Who do you think is helping Jungkook behind the scenes? 

Stay safe. With love. - MJ

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