Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV

I have had sex mercilessly with countless people in the past before I met Taehyung. Everytime I saw them collapse in front me I used have this weird satisfaction of feeling superior. But whenever I see Taehyung wither in front of me I feel weird. I feel guilty.

I was checking on the flights when the maid came in with the morning coffee. She was one of the maids Taehyung is close with.

I grabbed my phone and typed in "Is he done with aftercare?"
She nodded as she placed the coffee mug down turning around to leave.

I slightly pulled her sleeve making her stop. I typed in again "Is he done with packing?" She nodded. "Bring me his luggage "I typed. She gave me a confused look but left without questioning me back.

Author's POV

Jungkook walked down dressed up as the butler brings out the luggage. Taehyung was already down stairs already dressed up. Jungkook was surprised on how he was still smiling after all the pain he gave him yesterday.

As they both sat quietly staring blankly out of the windows. Jungkook broke the silence "Does it still hurt?". Taehyung game him a sarcastic smile as he replied "Don't worry sir, The pain was the same last month too. I'm used to it."
"Don't be delusional pup. I am not worried. Just checking how hard I can go on you with out making you pass out." Jungkook replied smirking as he looked back outside the window.

"I wish you to go hard as well" Taehyung whispered as quickly glanced at Jungkook veiny arm which was exposed because of his folded sleeves.

Soon both of them reached the airport. The first class compartment was already booked out by Namjin for them. It was the first time that Taehyung ever travelled in suck luxury. But surprisingly wasn't really scared when the plane took off.

Taehyung's POV

There were still a solid 11 hours left till we reached our destination. We were going to Santorini, Greece. It was a really beautiful place when I searched it out.

The whole compartment was empty. No air hostesses to interrupt us till we called them ourselves. And all I could think of was why was he still doing nothing. The fact that he never touched me while I was actually needy kinda irritated me, so I chose to tease him.

"I want to see the clouds too" I said out loud. Jungkook looked at me smirking. There were several window seats apart from that one seat he was sitting on and I still said it out loud. He could clearly read my intentions.

"I guess my window has the best view"he said as gestured me to go over to him. I loosened a few buttons exposing my collarbone. I slowly spread my legs across his thighs. I enjoyed the view outside the window while he mentally undressed me with his lustful stare.

It didn't take long for the cock warming session to turn into a hot make out process.

Making out is one of the most underrated things in the world of sex. One of the best feelings on earth is tongue on tongue, biting each other's lips and pressing your bodies together grinding your hips into each other while your breathing mixes.

"I will savour the rest of you when we land, grab some rest" he said as he held my waist with his arms placing me down on one of the seats. I nodded and quickly drifted off to sleep.

You might think why I had this sudden change in myself.


I was lying down as the maids helped me clean up. One of them came in pushing a trolly tray which had spare clothes for me. I was grabbing my clothes when a book caught my eyes. A diary. I pointed at it catching one of the maid's attention. "It belongs to sir, he asked us to burn it." she wrote down. I grabbed the book and replied "I'm keeping it, if sir asks you about it tell him you already burned it." She was hesitant at the beginning but eventually agreed to my request.

As all of them left the room. I opened the first page of the book. It was some sort of a diary entry.

With every line I read I felt butterflies in my stomach. The genuine love and care was visible in each line. The entry reminded me of those heart fluttering teen kdramas. But the thing that shocked me more was the last line.

"With love for my dear Jiminie from your Kookie"

So this cold ruthless man used to be called Kookie? And gave sweet nicknames like Jiminie? I could not believe my eyes. With every page I read I was discovering a completely different person. And wait-

The Jimin I met in front of the elevator is the Jimin he is talking about in this book? I was confused but I was much more intrigued. Something inside me was making think of impossible things.

Like what if I was in Jimin's place. What name would he probably use to call me. How would it feel to cuddle with him. My mind was full of such thoughts. All his words roaming inside head.

Next morning, It was the day we would go for the vacation Jin hyung previously planned for us. I was standing there as Minyoung(one of the maids) was teaching me more communication signs. We both were laughing as I messed up some. Soon I heard a familiar pair of timberland boots walking down the stairs.

Something inside me was craving for his attention. I flashed a smile as I felt him staring at me. My was beating fast. And I was sure it wasn't because of fear or nervousness.

In the car, I found myself stealing glances at him. It was my first time travelling in a plane, but I found myself surprisingly calm with him by my side.

Soon I tease him, we make out with all our feelings neutral for each other. Or that's what he assumed. Little did he know that I had already fallen deep for this cold man.

As I drifted to sleep, I soon found myself promising

I will bring the old Jungkook back. I will bring Kookie back.

I am sure this one was boring AF. But bare with it. We need some story too.

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