Chapter 1

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I was lying in the bed with a familiar throbbing pain in my lower body. My cheeks stained with tears and my body covered with brutal red and blue marks Yes, hickeys. My hands by now already had dark marks of the rough rope engraved deep into my skin.

It has been a month.

But every night feels like the night it first happened.

I woke in an unknown place. The walls were painted dark red and it was filled with an intoxicating scent. I sat up and looked around the large room.

It was filled with weird objects some recognisable, some I had never seen or heard of. There were chains, ropes, whips and handcuffs. Not only small equipments but even things hanging down from ceiling, whose function was unknown to me.

I took a look at myself. I was no longer tied and my legs gained back their strength. I stepped down the bed and walked around this strange room. I went to door just find it locked. I rummaged through the drawers in hope of finding a more suitable clothing but my efforts were in vain. All I found were condoms, dildos, vibrators. Basically sex toys.

My breath started getting heavier. My body wasn't feeling normal anymore. Beads of sweat formed over my forehead as my temperature slowly rised. Was I getting a fever? No......

My hands started trembling as shivers ran down my spine. I felt my bulge swell as a rush of adrenaline was making my mind go crazy. It pained like hell. And it felt as if the only thing that could ease this pain was..


Soon the creaking sound of the opening door echoed through the room. I grasped the silky bedsheets with hands as my toes curled in. I saw a man enter the room.

He was the masked man I saw before blacking out. I could never forget that pair of intimidating black eyes.

He slowly removed his mask revealing his face. He was surprisingly handsome. In fact, he was the most handsome man I had seen so far.

My eyes couldn't help but study him. His perfect jawline his beautiful nose and his plump yet slender and rosy lips. His clear golden skin complementing his peachy undertones.

Maybe I was so lost into his looks that I didn't realise that he probably here to tear me apart. The heat of my body kept rising as the pain increased. I was on the verge of losing my sanity and probably my virginity too.

The unknown man leaned towards as he whispered into my ears. His voice melted me but his words made me shake in fear.
The mix of emotions were driving me insane.

"Even if its your time don't expect me to be gentle...and don't you dare push me away. I know you are in pain and if you push me away you are gonna die of this very pain."

A tear slipped off my eye as my hands felt numb. The pain was getting unbearable. "I-I don't wanna die.." I said between my breaths which were getting heavier each minute.

"I won't ALLOW you to die" he replied as he crashed his lips hungrily against mine. I didn't fight back. I was too afraid to fight back.

My body trembled as he snaked his strong muscular arm around my waist. His slender fingers ripped my see through shirt, making the cold air hit my bare back. He slowly slides one of his hands into my panty and rubbed my already painful throbbing member.

I whimpered at his sensual touch but that turned him on even more. We pulled apart as a string of saliva still attached us. Without wasting a second he buried his face at the crook of my neck.

His warm breathing gave me goosebumps as my face flushed red. A stinging pain made me hiss as I felt his teeth devouring my skin.
He further moved down to my chest. A sinful moan escaped my lips as he started biting my nipple. His lips and tongue made it more and more difficult to keep them in.

"I will "consider" being gentle if you behave." he said as he glared at me with his deadly eyes. I slowly nodded my head, as more tears threatened to fall down. "Alright baby boy lets prep up your tiny little virgin hole first." he said trying to sound cute but I his words scared me even more.

He grabbed a piece of satin and tied it around my eyes, blacking out my vision completely.

"W-why blindfold?" I asked him in a low tone trying not to offend him. I heard a soft giggle before he replied "So that the only thing you focus on is the things that you are feeling."

Soon after I felt my hands being held up and getting tied. I wanted to ask again but I was too scared. Just in case I offend him. I lay down silently waiting for him to tear me apart.

A few seconds later, I felt a pair of hands kneading my ass. I tried holding in moans but it was harder this time because the thing my mind would focus on was his touches.

His sinister sensual touches...

I gasped as I felt him slide in a finger into my hole. One of his big warm hands continued abusing my right ass cheek as he pumped in another finger into my hole. I whimpered as he fastened his pace. I felt a knot build up inside my stomach.

A strange feeling of pain and excitement ran throughout my body. A feeling I never felt before. And just when I felt that I was enjoying it and not hurt

He proved me wrong.
I felt his long thick length rammed inside me. I screamed in pain as my tears soaked the satin ribbon wet. He didn't even feel a bit of a sympathy for me.

He didn't let me adjust to him and continued slamming inside me at a rough pace. People said sex was a way of having pleasure, but all I felt was sheer pain. I begged him to stop and slow down, just to make him angrier. He fastened his pace even more.

I kept begging,


All in vain...

The pain just too much for me to bear. My head started feeling heavier as I felt myself losing my consciousness once again.


After that night he has raped and abused me numerous times. But all I ever wondered was

"What made him like this.."

I had written a long para in here before. But I cringed and deleted it✨
Ok bye-
remember to vote-

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