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I am Kim Taehyung. I live with my mom in Kyoto, Japan. My mom is Japanese and my dad is Korean, I have never seen him. All I know is that he lives in Seoul, Korea and he left me and my mom many years back with absolutely nothing.

We lived a poor but happy life. Just me and my mom. But our happiness didn't last long.

My world started collapsing the day my mom passed away. As if someone snatched away my only possession.

We had debts for our house as well as for my mom's hospital bills. I somehow managed to give her a decent funeral.

I took up many part time jobs but still wasn't able to pay off the debt. Debtors barging into my house pulling me up by my collar beating me up was now a daily routine. I was tired, All I wanted now was money.

I was casually sitting in the restaurant kitchen as I finished washing up the dishes. One of my co-workers approached me and said "I heard you are in need of money?" I nodded as I rested my head back on the wall.

"I have an offer for you I don't know if you would..." He trailed off. "I don't care anymore. Just tell me!" I said enthusiastically. He continued" There is this company where they send you to South Korea and provide you high salary jobs based on your qualifications." I beamed with hope "Really?!" I said.

He nodded. The thought of going to Korea gave me a mixed feeling. If I went to Korea and managed to make some good money there maybe I can find my dad and prove it to him that I can manage just fine without him.

The next day we both visited the office. I sat in the office my hands stuck together with nervousness. Negative thoughts filled up mind. I was having a bad feeling about the whole thing but my friend assured me to shrug that feeling off.

Soon few men entered the room. One of them sat across the table as he checked me from top to bottom. He asked my friend to leave. He quietly nodded and left me in the room alone.

The man started off with simple friendly questions like
"What are your hobbies" and "Where do you live" casually complimenting my looks in between. He said he will settle my debts if I sign a contract of working with him for 6 months.

I nodded. He passed me a bunch of papers. I read first page carefully and moved on to the next page. I realised it had the same content.

"All of them are the same thing written. Just to keep enough copies." he said with a grin. I nodded as I signed all of them.
He asked a last question "So..Taehyung do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend or maybe had one in the past?"

"Nope, I was too busy to have any." I smiled.

"Well, that's a good thing. We can sell you at a higher price then." he said with a sinister smile. The two men beside me grabbed both of my hands as one of them injected me with an unknown drug.

"W-what.." I tried speaking but stopped as my vision started getting blurry. The room was spinning. Eventually my eyelids felt heavy and everything blacked out.

When I opened eyes all I could see was a bunch of people shouting out prices. I could neither move nor speak. All I could do is sob. I saw old men shouting prices even women shouting out loud.

Suddenly I realised the cold air from the Air Con hitting my bare skin. I looked down and was shocked to see what I was wearing.


My legs were covered with a thin layer of black fishnet stockings. My hands were handcuffed behind with a pair of pink furry handcuffs. I had a black leather collar around my neck. My upper body was covered with a black sleeve less see through shirt and I had leather straps around my waist. A thin panty covered my private parts.

I wasn't able to feel my legs neither my hands. My throat was too sore to let me speak. My body shivered vigorously in fear. I heard the man say the words which filled me with disgust.

"Come on people! Look at him! He is a pretty expensive piece. A mix of Japanese and Korean beauty. And he is untouched. Let the prices go higher for this Virgin beauty!"

I was nothing but a piece of auction with a pricetag and name? "Virgin beauty?" Seriously? Tears rolled down my cheeks as the bidders became more enthusiastic.
They were nothing but
a bunch of sick old perverts..

"1 million" a voice echoed across the auction room.
There was moment of awkward silence in room. I tried to follow the direction of the voice through my blurry eyesight.

He repeated "1 million.." The Auctioneer came back to his senses and strikes the hammer

"1 million....once"

"1 million.....twice"

"1 million thrice...."

Congratulations to no. 69. "Virgin Beauty" is your property now.

The Auctioneer came near me and pushed a syringe into my arm. Beads of my fresh blood formed at the spot as I heard his last words to me

"Forget your past doll. A new life awaits you. Be a good boy and he will spare your life. You are lucky to have a young owner."

My eyes felt heavier with every step took towards exit door. The last thing before I passed out I saw was of a man with mask. His dark brown eyes engraved into my memory.

DeFiNiTeLy wasn't intentional to start a fanfiction on

Happy 7 years with our dear boys✨

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