Chapter 20

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A sudden feeling of disgust fills my heart as I look down at myself once again. Underneath the well ironed clothes Jin hyung made me wear, was my molested body, and deeper inside lay my dead heart. Even though, each part of my body was stinging with pain, I felt numb.

Will I get rid of this numbness if I drown myself into the cold waters?


"W-what do you mean by DESERVE TO DIE?!" Yoongi hyung screamed at the top of his voice, squirming to break free from the ropes.

"Jeon Jungkook doesn't repeat himself twice." He answered as he shoved his hands inside the pockets of the jacket he wrapped around me. "Now, that I think about it. I think you should listen to his screams."

"His last screams before I kill him and you."

The clacking sound of his shoes, vibrated throughout the floor hitting my bare skin, as I lay on floor enveloped in pain. "Jungkook.... Don't do this." Yoongi whispered as Jungkook got closer to his face. "Now dampen this piece of cloth" the ravenette said flicking the older's tears with the tip of his finger.

Slowly surrounding Yoongi hyung with darkness, tying the piece of cloth to his eyes, He walked back to me, with the same smile he had the very first time I saw him. I flashed a sarcastic smile as I knew what's coming next.

I was a mess already. My body was wrapped in nothing but a long overcoat, my body laying on the cold floor, yet heating up due to hormones rushing to my head. My mouth salivating, my eyes watering, cheeks flushed red as I continued sweating profusely.

"You're such a slut." He said smiling at me, as he pulled my head up close to his face. "Why don't you just kill me already." I chuckled looking straight into his dark brown eyes. The eyes that once brought me a hope for freedom.

I snapped out of thoughts, he pulled off the cock ring. My back arched instantly, as if a bolt of lightning struck me. A feeling of being electrocuted rushed throughout my spine. "I guess you forgot the rules" he growled at me, as I saw his hands dripping with my load.

"As long as I remember, Don't you have a whiplash kink?" he said smiling at me mischievously. I turned my head away, avoiding his gaze. The more I looked at him, the greater my pain got.

As I turned my head to the other side, my eyes fell on Yoongi hyung, as I saw his blindfold soaking wet with his tears, making the cloth stick to his face. "Don't worry hyung! I'm so used to it, that I feel no pain anymore!" I shouted out to him, triggering Jungkook alongside.

"I see, you got enough energy to assure people. Not for long!" He shouted just as loud as me, unbuckling his belt in the process. I froze as I felt his belt meeting my exposed body. A familiar feeling of warm and pain spreading around.

There was a time I used to enjoy this. Now that I think about it, I feel nothing but disgusted by my own self. Tears welled up once again, as he slammed the belt again my chest, pulling me closer to him once again. "You are supposed to count sweetie." He said tightening his grip across my hair. My scalp was burning with immense pain.

"Three" I whispered as he hit me for a third time, bruising my thighs this time. All I knew was he wasn't going to stop any sooner.

I whimpered as he thrashed his belt at the same places, multiple times. I was bleeding, I was crying, I was exhausted.

Did he care?

Why would he bother!

"Tsktsktsk, tired already?" he said touching my sweaty forehead. "I was tired of you long ago." I replied smiling through my pain. The cheeky smile on his face faded, as he turned me over, my bare chest hitting the floor.

I closed my eyes, biting my lower lip as I already knew what was next.

I whimpered once again under his touches.
I moaned once again as he rammed himself inside me.
Silent tears slipped off my eyes, as I felt my body running out of energy.

Will I beg him stop?

There's no use.

"Jeon Jungkook! Leave him." We heard a voice both of us turned around to see Yoongi hyung. His wrists heavily bruised as, he clearly struggled a lot to free himself from the ropes.

"You barely have any strength left, hyung." Jungkook chuckled pulling me onto his lap, his dick still throbbing inside me.

"J-jungkook He did nothing to you. HE L-LOVED YOU!" Yoongi growled at him, as his head hung low. I hissed at a sharp pain on my clavicle. Jungkook was holding a knife? My eyes widened as I saw press the knife deeper, breaking my skin as small droplets of blood popped up.

"One slice across your delicate neck, and peace for both of us." He whispered while staining his fingers with the blood that gushed out of the fresh cut.

"Your pale white skin, looks so good painted red in blood." he exclaimed like a kid who just made a new discovery.

"Jungkook, don't" Yoongi tried his best convincing the maniac, who trapped me in his embrace. Sneakily stepping closer to us, he tried to calm him down.

"You think you're smart?" Jungkook laughed glaring at the young man, who was hardly able to stand. He slowly moved away from him, slowly standing up. Pain excruciating throughout my bottom half, as I watched them both stand face to face.

"Do you know what I do with over smart people?" he interrogated wiping his bloody knife clean. Within a fraction, I see him pierce the same knife, across Yoongi hyung's stomach, as he collapsed onto the floor, laying down beside me.

I froze as the whole scene repeated inside my head. Pulling his head, onto my lap, my tears fell on his face. His eyes close shut, as his strained breaths were replaced with none.

"Aww, your hyung died too soon." Jungkook said holding his fingers near Yoongi's nose.

The next thing I knew, I was already rescued by Jin hyung and they had no idea about Yoongi hyung's body. Jungkook was put behind the bars, as all my wounds were treated.

The guilt of being the reason Yoongi hyung died, the guilt of triggering the beast inside Jungkook, the guilt of ruining my hyung's perfect life. All that I was left with guilt and numbness.

~Back to present time~

I smiled once last time at everyone, as I will finally leave their lives. They'll finally be at peace. Everything will be back to normal. This guilt, this numbness will be gone.

"My mom is calling me hyung!" I shouted before submitting myself to depths of the sea.

"My mom is calling me hyung!" I shouted before submitting myself to depths of the sea

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