Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

Within a few hours we finally landed in Greece. The whole car ride to our hotel I kept my eyes fixed on the scenery, being aware of Taehyung's stare on me. He really did change a lot.

I can no more see the once weak and vulnerable boy who whimpered under my slightest touches. This changed Taehyung made me crave for him even more. Just wait till we reach the hotel pup.

Taehyung's POV

As soon as we check into our hotel room I felt speechless. I ran straight to the little balcony the had. The view was beautiful.

The luxury was too much-

The butler came in with the food while I was standing there, letting the gentle breeze ruffle my hair. "Sir would you like your services while in the swimming pool?" he asked.

"What swimming pool?" I asked. He pointed out his finger to a big swimming pool. "Thats booked too?" I asked surprised. He giggled and replied "The whole floor is booked by you sir"

"I don't understand Rich people..."I mumbled as I look at the area in utter shock. He laughed as he turned around to leave "Me neither sir! Enjoy your stay"

~Time skip~

From the time we reached the hotel I was all alone in the room. I didn't see him even once. I was tired so I went to a shower, to calm my nerves, or maybe hormones as well...

Jungkook's POV

I entered the room after getting everything sorted for the rest of our trip. I plopped onto the bed, closing my eyes slowly. The scene of me and Taehyung making out flashed before my eyes.
"I haven't punished that naughty boy yet" I whispered as my mind thinks of a new play.

Our room was decorated by scented paraffin candles, just how I like them. The food tray was lying beside the bed with a bottle of champagne along with two glasses and a bucket full of ice.

"We got two options today..."I smiled. Suddenly I saw Taehyung coming out of the bathroom in his bathrobe. His hair was dripping wet, sticking to his forehead. His slim white legs had droplets of water rolling down as well. In one word..


Author's POV

Taehyung was welcomed by a sweet and delicate scent as he stepped out of the bathroom. I glanced around the room. The dim lights along with the lighted scented candles were creating an intoxicating atmosphere.
His eyes soon landed on the muscular man who was busy lighting up another candle.

"Sir?"he called out with a confused look on his face. Jungkook turned around and greeted him with a smirk. "I want to try a new art today..."he said as he placed the burning candle on the nightstand.

Taehyung gulped as he saw the growing lust in his master's eyes. His veins on his forehead and arms were already popping out, showing the aggression he was holding in. He looked down at the floor letting wet black hair cover his smirking face. He glances at Jungkook and quickly disrobes himself, letting the man get full view of his wet and delicate body.

Jungkook quickly picks him up in his arms without wasting anytime. He ties him hands up while their tongues intertwine with each other. The warmth that Taehyung was craving for was finally coming to him.

He gripped the sheets with his curled toes as he felt the man above him play with his nipples. "You'll be the canvas.."he said as he picked up the melting candle from the nightstand.

Jungkook slowly enters one of his fingers inside Taehyung, pumping at a medium pace soon after. Taehyung closed his eyes in pleasure as his lust was finally being satisfied.

Soon Jungkook tilted the burning candle making droplets of melted wax fall over Taehyung's naked stomach and chest."Ahh..mmm"taehyung moaned as the hot liquid touch his skin. The stinging yet warm sensation of the flowing wax slowly solidifying on his skin just felt so good.

Jungkook continued thrusting his fingers in and out craving for more of Taehyung's muffled moans,which sounded pike music to his ears. "Moan for me baby" he said as he fastened his pace, dropping some more wax over his erect nipples.

"Ah...Umm..M-Master" Taehyung moaned as the warmth on his sensitive nipples was driving him nuts. Jungkook starts devouring Taehyung's neck as he slowly slides in another finger into Taehyung.

"You teased me a lot pup. I ain't going easy on you"he said as he removed his fingers. Taehyung smiled in bliss as he knew what was coming next.

Jungkook pushed his fingers into Taehyung's mouth, making him suck on his on juices. He grabbed Taehyung's thigh with the other hand, as he slowly pushed himself inside Taehyung. For the very first time Jungkook was gentle with him, which surprised Taehyung.

He started thrusted in at slow and sensual pace, still hitting his prostate each time. "Mhmm...master...f-fast~"Taehyung moaned as buckled his hips craving for a rougher pace. Jungkook smiled at the needy boy under him. "With pleasure~"he replied grabbing the burning candle as fastens his pace.

"Ahh...Ahhmmm"Taehyung moaned out loud,rolling his eyes back in pleasure. The warm liquid rolling down from his chest to his stomach gave him a euphoric sensation.

It didn't take much time for both of them to release. Jungkook pulls out and places the almost shortened candle on the nightstand.

"Master..."Taehyung moans out tiredly. Jungkook looks back at him. Taehyung lay there turned around, his smooth back facing the ceiling."Your art is incomplete~" he said as he buried his face in the pillow out of embarrassment.

"You asked for it pup"he said as he lights another candle for the further rounds.

I know it ain't that good, but I tried. This was obviously the first time I tried writing a wax play scene. Also I want to clear it once again. Taehyung isn't in love with Jungkook. Its pure lust and curiosity. But I am not sure about Jungkook tho.Also I'm sorry for being gone for a freaking month. I'll try updating more often(emphasis on the word TRY).

And stay safe during this pandemic I love guys❤️

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