Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

As we both headed home I was scared if he would scold me or fuck me again because I spoke about being Mr Kim's assistant. But he was quite during the whole ride. Nervousness inside me started to grow more and more as we neared the mansion.

"We are here.." The driver said stopping the car. I opened the car hopping out of the car but he stayed inside. I looked at him with confusion.
"I am heading back to the company. Gotta get back a few things I left in my cabin. Jin hyung will be here in a while. You don't have clothes go shop with him. I will send him the money." He said as he closed the door going back.

~At the shopping centre~

We both were walking in and out of some branded cloth shops which I would've never thought of visiting someday. Jin hyung finally dragged me inside a Gucci store and I must say..


I liked every single thing there. "Jin hyung...You should've brought me here earlier.." I said looking at those beautiful clothes with shining eyes. "Lets pick some outfits." He said as we go deeper into the men's section. We grabbed a lot of clothes and headed towards the dressing room.

I was wearing one of the outfits when the chain tangled onto my hair. I struggled for a while but soon decided to call Jin hyung for help.

He stepped  inside the changing room as untangles the chain removing the shirt. "Thanks..." I said as I throw the shirt away.. Suddenly I felt his fingertips touch my back which was now naked.

"This mark..." He whispered in a low tone, his kept touching a certain spot on my back. I laughed "That's my birthmark, I've had it since birth." I said looking at him whose eyes were still fixed on the spot.

"But how the same mark on your back..." He said with an unexplainable look on his face. I was equally confused by hyung's words and behaviour "What's wrong hyung?" I asked now facing him. He shook his head and stepped out of the dressing room "Put on your shirt Taehyung-ah. Lets talk about it in my car." I replied him back with a ok as I slide into my sweater once again.

Jungkook's POV

I forgot a couple of things in my office. I dropped Taehyung at the mansion and took a U-turn. I quickly ran up to my office, luckily hyung was away at a meeting. I quickly got my stuff out of the drawer. It was an old diary which me and Jimin used to share along with some of our polaroids. I was never able to bring myself to throw them away. Even if we weren't together

They were precious to me....

I grabbed them put them in a paper bag. Suddenly the door clicked, Joon hyung was back. "Jungkook you didn't leave?" He asked looking at me with surprise. "Nah! I came back I left back a few things" I said holding up the paper bag.

"Ahh...Ok. Can do you do me favour?" He asked. I nodded. "Please drop by in Yoongi's studio he was working on a new track. Ask him if he is done with it." He said taking a seat. I nodded and left the room heading towards the studio.

Author's POV

Jungkook walked through the corridor which was surprisingly all empty. He was about to enter Yoongi's studio when he heard a few noises which made him freeze at the spot.

"Ahh...Hyung j-just there..Its feels so good..Mhmm."

"It does huh? You are naughty kitty..Aren't you?"

"Didn't he pleasure you well kitty?"

"Mhmm...Y-yes! Ahh...hyung I am cumming.."

Jungkook was devastated after hearing a familiar sweet voice and a familiar moan in the very sweet voice. A mix of anger and heartbreaking sadness filled him up. He didn't burst in. He didn't make them aware of his presence. He gripped onto the paper bag tighter and stormed out of the building ignoring all the greetings he received on the way.
The driver was waiting for him in the car. "Get out!" he said in a scary bossy tone making the driver shiver in fear. He immediately jumps out of the car handing Jungkook the car keys.

Jungkook steps on the accelerator driving through the streets with a dangerous speed breaking almost every speed limit. There was nothing other than Anger and Jealousy on his mind.

He slammed open the front door making all the housemaids flinch. He threw the paper bag towards one of the maids and signalled his hand towards the furnace with a fierce stare. The maid sensed his anger as she nodded vigorously before running away with the paper bag.

He quickly stormed off the living room, going upstairs leaving all maids still shivering with fear.

On the other hand Taehyung was confused because of Jin's change in behaviour. As if he was lost in his own thought. "Taehyung..." He finally said. Tae immediately looked at him with small smile. "Was your father Japanese too?" He said looking at him with an unreadable expression in his eyes. Taehyung wasn't able understand his question. Why would Jin ask about his father out of nowhere. Taehyung shook his head in denial "He was Korean". "Was?"Jin asked him in surprise with a sympathetic expression on his face  "He left me and my mom when I was born. I have never seen him my entire life. He is dead to me." he replied with a cold face which was rare to see. Jin suddenly grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace. Taehyung hugged him back.

Probably comforting me after bringing up such an issue...

Soon they both reached the mansion. Taehyung grabbed all the shopping bags. He entered the living room but sensed a weird atmosphere. One of the maids who actually was pretty close with Taehyung saw him enter and immediately rushed to him helping him out with his bags.

"Thank you" he mouthed out the words slowly so that she could read his lips. She nodded quietly. Taehyung was climbing the stairs when she grabbed his hand making him turn around. She held out her writing pad for him to read.

"Master is not in a good mood. Please be careful."


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