Chapter 6

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Jin hyung dragged me out taking me downstairs. The tall man's words rang in my ears as countless questions filled my mind.
"That man? Had a relationship?"
"That icy cold cruel man had a serious one?"
"Wait..was it even serious?"
"And why is his past mattering so much to me..WTF!"

I came back to my senses as Jin hyung shook me vigorously. I found myself already sitting across him at a coffee table.

Jin hyung gave me a friendly smile and asked me "So...How did you and Jungkook become acquaintances?" I felt myself at a loss of words. I can't simply tell him that I was "bought" by him. I smiled awkwardly and replied "I actually used to live in Japan. I came to Korea in search of work and got accepted by him."

"I see.." he said not looking satisfied with my answer. I quickly tried changing subjects "So, Hyung the tall man who you came with...." Jin hyung's face immediately lit up with a confident smile "He is my husband. Kim Namjoon." I smiled back "you both look great together!"

When I had a closer look at him I realised "Jin hyung..." I said. He hummed in reply. "Please don't tell me you are Kim Seokjin who acted in numerous kdramas and movies.." "You finally recognise me." He laughed sounding like a windshield wiper.

"You are pretty popular in Japan!I felt like I've seen you somewhere, Now I remember."I said excitedly. "How can you not recognise this worldwide  handsome face."he said as he cupped his face cutely.

"Sorry" I said flashing my signature boxy smile. We both start laughing. Our laughs were interrupted by Jin hyung's ringing phone. "Excuse me.." He said as he picked up the incoming call.

"Hello, Hubby?" He said as his smiley face turned into a serious one. "Okay, we'll be right back.." He glanced at me wearing a smile on his face once again.
"Taehyung-ah! Lets go back my hubby misses me." He said as he tapped his phone screen quite a few times. I nodded as I got up from my seat. "Hyung..." I said as I grabbed onto the end of his coat. He turned around as he raised his eyebrows giving me a questionable look. "I don't know many people here except sir.....Can you.."

He giggled at me as put a hand around my shoulder. "From today I am your big brother. Ok? Jin hyung will take care of you Taehyung-ah..Tell me if that brat bullies you. Ok?" I smiled as I felt a sense of assurance. The loneliness which I was fighting for a month seemed to disappear as I felt the warmth of his smile.

We entered Sir's room. The mess we made earlier was already cleared. Mr Kim was sitting on Sir's chair while Sir was standing. I was confused at the site. The proud egoistic CEO is standing like a small obedient kid beside this man who occupied his authoritative seat.

I saw a new side of him. His respectful and down to earth side. I guess I don't know who this man is yet.


I saw Taehyung and Jin hyung leave my office. Namjoon hyung was about to take a seat on the couch when I stopped him. "Hyung! Sit here I can't let you sit there." I said quickly jumping out of my chair. "Jungkook I have already passed down the company to you. Relax."He said smiling. "This company will always be yours hyung. I won't feel good if you sit anywhere else other than your seat." I said pulling him and making him sit.

Namjoon hyung was someone I always admired. I liked seeing him seated on this chair. That was my best view.

"I didn't come here to sit on this chair Kookie. I came here to talk about you and Jimin." He said, worry evident in his voice. "I know..." I said staring at the floor. "I don't wanna interfere into your relationship. You both are adults and you both can clear that out. I just wanna interfere in one thing........"

I looked up at him confused.

"Jimin's contract isn't over so...." I cut his words as I replied "Hyung....Just because our one relationship ended doesn't mean I have to end all my relationships with him. I will treat him just like all other artists here." He sighed and pulled me closer he tapped my forehead as he said "This can manage to function normally" he trailed his finger down to my chest pointing out my heart "Can this function normally?" I kept looking down at the floor as he maintained a tight grip on my arms.

"Jungkook...I know its hard. You can't get over someone so easily." I felt a tear slip off. He slowly wrapped his arms around me as he caressed my back. "You know you don't have to act this strong all the time right?"he said rubbing my back. At that point I felt so vulnerable in his arm. I cried my heart out, maybe all my emotions which were stacked up inside me and I needed someone to lean on.

"Thanks hyung..." I said as my sobs slowed down. "Sorry for being late" he said patting my back. We both ended up laughing again as I pulled myself away. "You know its okay to cry Jungkook." he said smiling. I nodded as I wiped off my tears. "Go on a vacation Kook." He said smiling.

I looked at him surprised "That came out of nowhere hyung." I said. "Take a break and get over your feelings!" He said ruffling my hair. "Hyung I am 25 years old!" I said pouting. He smiled as he booped my nose. "I am glad this evil business world didn't kill your inner child. But I can handle the company for a while, go take a break!"He said sitting back in the chair which originally belonged to him and started flipping the pages of the file on the desk.

"Hyung always knows the best for me." I said fixing my hair. "Always!" He said while dialing Jin hyung.

Author's POV

The men entered cabin. "I booked them already." Jin said smiling winking at Joon. " Booked what?" Taehyung and Jungkook said at the same time. "Jungkook, I said that I am giving you a break remember?" Namjoon said smiling. "Then now I will work under Mr. Kim?" Taehyung asked looking at Namjoon. "No, you are coming with me." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung with a straight face.

"Now you guys can go home.." Namjoon said pointing at the door. "And I thought you didn't like being a CEO." Jungkook said smiling as he left the office while Taehyung quietly followed him.

"R.I.P my ass" Taehyung mumbled as he continued following his "OWNER"

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