Chapter 22: Hanging On

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Short chapter. Probably not my best, but I hope you guys like it.


"'s going to be okay."

"...don't...leave me..."

Maki gently brushed Kaito's hair away from his sweat soaked face before reapplying the now damp cloth. Kaito didn't make a move to remove it or thank her. He only writhed under the bed sheets, trapped in his seemingly never ending nightmare. Since the paralysis wore off, Kaito had been trapped in a state of unconsciousness. He had been completely still at the start, but as of now he had been suffering from a fever and nightmares. Sometimes he'd be still, but whimpering a little in his sleep. Other times he would call out for his grandparents or say something random that Maki couldn't make out, thrashing in his sleep. She would wipe away the tears that suddenly came from his eyes. Maki couldn't stand seeing him like this anymore. She needed him to wake up.

"How is he?"

Maki turned, her face emotionless. Kiyo stood at the door, holding a bowl undoubtedly full of medicine in his bandaged hands. Maki almost forgot at times that she was in this man's house.

"His fever keeps rising." Maki sighed, trying to keep her voice as emotionless as possible. She felt a little tense as she heard Kiyo walk towards her.

"Try to get him to drink this. It should help bring his fever down." He advised, passing the bowl into Maki's hands. Balancing the bowl on her lap with ease, Maki gently lifted Kaito's head as much as she could. She gently pushed her forefinger and thumb into Kaito's cheeks, effectively opening his mouth. He didn't put up any resistance. As Maki poured the medicine into his mouth, his neck subconsciously convulsed as he swallowed it. She poured it as slowly as she could, as to not spill it or accidentally drown him. Kaito drank every last drop of the medicine, seeming to sigh in content as he finished it all. Maki passed the empty bowl back to Kiyo before she readjusted the blankets around Kaito as he shivered a little.

"How are you doing?" Kiyo suddenly asked, his eyes zeroed in on the back of Maki's head.

"I'm fine." Maki said, once again as emotionlessly as she could.

"You're not." Kiyo protested, his calm voice unchanged. He's right, she wasn't, but Maki did her hardest not to show it. "You haven't eaten nor slept since I've found you and your friend. And that's been for three days."

"I'm fine." Maki argued, ignoring the now present stomach cramps and urge to sleep. She has been trained to ignore those. She had to do this before, many times. However, this time was starting to prove difficult.

"At least let me make you some tea. To keep your strength up." Kiyo offered. Tea? Well...maybe one cup won't hurt.

"Fine. Thank you." Maki sighed, finally giving in to the temptation. Kiyo nodded silently before leaving the small bedroom. Maki glared a little at him as he left. There was a reason why Maki refused to sleep. She didn't trust this man. She found it odd that his home was within at least fifteen minutes walking distance of Web Valley. He was also in Web Valley, the place where people were killed. The place that everyone knows how dangerous it is and stays away from it. He said that he knew the death trap more than anyone and how to avoid the now deceased spider. Maki couldn't tell if he was lying or not about that, but she decided not to trust him that much. Yes, he was helping her with taking care of Kaito. He was making medicine for her to give him. But there was just something about him that Maki didn't trust.


Maki's head suddenly snapped towards Kaito. He was still muttering in his sleep. However, he wasn't calling out to his family, like he had before. He was saying her name. He was saying that nickname that he gave her. He was calling out to her in his sleep. Maki gently grabbed his clenched hand. His flushed face suddenly looked relaxed. His body stilled, becoming less tense. His panting soon turned into steady, silent breathing.

"I'm here...I'm not leaving you." Maki whispered, holding Kaito's hand in both of hers and held it close to her. Again, Kaito looked deeply relaxed, no sign of anxiety or distress. If it weren't for the fact that he had venom still in his body, he looked like he was just simply asleep. Maki gripped his hand a little tighter, silently begging him to wake up.

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