Chapter 36: Numb

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Maki didn't know what was happening around her. She knows that she's hanging by her wrists, toes barely touching the ground. She hurt almost everywhere. She's pretty sure that the guards had been beating her. That's the conclusion that she's come to. No doubt her body was going to be badly bruised after this. The room that she was in was black with a white tiled floor. There were many devices around the room. Maki recognised some of them such as swords, axes, knifes, scissors, whips, an iron maiden, a rack that stretches people and a large wheel. There were other devices, but Maki didn't recognise them. She didn't care to think about what they might be used for. She didn't care about anything.

"Alright, that's enough." Junko suddenly ordered, her voice echoing around the room a little. The guards that were hitting Maki stoped, looking at the one that ordered the beating in the first place. "Leave us." The guards bowed at the Queen respectably before leaving the room. Junko walked around Maki, her black and white boots clacking on the tiled floor. She had changed her attire to a more suitable outfit. She didn't want to ruin her best dress after all. She was wearing a pair of trousers and a shirt with knee high boots. Her clothes were white on one side while it was black on the other. Her hair remained the same, with the crown still perched on her head.

"You think that I'm gonna kill you so you could see Prince Charming?" Junko taunted as she lifted Maki's head up. Her grip on Maki's chin was so harsh that her fingernails were starting to dig into her face. "Sorry, but that's not gonna happen. I'm gonna torture you until you're at the point of death. Then I'll have someone treat your injuries. And I'll start the process over and over again." Maki didn't move or speak against Junko. She only receded deep into her mind. She didn't care if her body hurt. She just wanted whatever deity existed to hear her and take her to where Kaito was. She wanted to tell him how sorry she was. She wanted him to hold her. She wanted to tell him that she still loved him, and hoped that he still loved her too. That's all that she wanted. All that she needed. Why can't death just take her already?

"Well, you do have nice hair, I guess. Let's see what you look like without it." Junko smirked as she held a pair of sharp scissors and petted Maki's head as if she were a dog. She suddenly pulled the braid harshly, jerking Maki's head back. Maki didn't react at all. Junko snipped the braid as close as she could t Maki's head. The deranged Queen didn't stop there. As the braid fell with a quiet thud, Junko kept snipping at Maki's hair until it was a mere inch long. "Opps! I might have gone too far. Oh well!" Junko let go of Maki's head, causing it to limply go forwards until her chin was touching her chest. Again, Maki still didn't care about anything. She just wanted to leave this world already. She just wanted to see Kaito again. She doesn't care how many times Junko nurses her back to health every time she's on the brink of death. She has been trained to kill herself should she be captured. She's been taught many different techniques depending on the scenario. As soon as she's that weak, and no one is watching, she'll do it. She just wishes that the Queen would hurry up already.

"What should I do with you first? Whip you until you bleed? Butcher that face of yours? Rip out all of your nails?" Junko asked, as if she were expecting Maki to answer her. She eyed up and down at the captive assassin, a glint of evil in her eyes. "Maybe I should give you to the guards. They need a pretty little toy like you to keep them motivated." Maki didn't care. She has already gone numb to the point where she didn't feel much of anything. She wouldn't feel the pain, but she would feel when she was close to dying. That's when she'll end it all herself. Junko glared at Maki harshly. So she expected her to make some kind of protest after all. She grumbled a bit to herself, but Maki didn't care to try to make out what she had said. She walked over to some of her equipment, choosing a whip. She walked to behind Maki. She raised the whip up high, aiming for it to hit Maki's back.

"Your Majesty!" A guard suddenly shouted, bursting into the room. Junko glared at him, ready to shout, but he cut her off before she could. "The Prince is alive! He's coming here!" Maki suddenly looked up, her head suddenly being lighter without all of her hair. Did she hear that right? Kaito was alive? How? That didn't matter right now. He was alive. That's all that mattered to her. Her eyes lit up at the thought of seeing him again.

"WHAT?!" Junko screamed, a mixture of rage and confusion on her face. "How-never mind! Let him come here! I'll take care of him myself!" Kaito is coming here? Maki looked up at her hands. She started yanking as hard as she could. She's let him down one too many times. She has to get out of here. She needs to help in anyway that she can. She's done just feeling like an emotionless doll. She needs to start fighting. Or else all that Kaito was doing, all of his effort to stop this despair, would all be for nothing! She can't let this psycho Queen do whatever she wants! She can't let her kill Kaito for real this time!

"You're looking hopeful." Junko suddenly laughed, grabbing Maki's face again. Maki glared at the Queen, staring right into the madness in her eyes. "Let's see how long that lasts, shall we?"

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