Chapter 15: Palm Reading

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The caravan was quite bright inside. It was painted just as skilfully on the inside as it was outside. Every flower, shell and a small bird had been painted down to the last detail. Even the ceiling had an expert drawing of the sky with detailed white clouds. Maki couldn't help but be impressed by the artistry. The caravan had cabinets and shelves filled with plenty of food, water, medicinal herbs, blankets and among other things such as books and bottles filled with potions. On a shelf, a small alter was created. It was decorated with flowers, shells and beads. If it wasn't for the fact that it was inside something that was easily flammable, Maki was sure that it would have a few candles to add to the decoration. On the far side of the caravan was a bed big enough to fit two people, presumably so that one person was still driving the caravan at night if necessary. A small wooden cage, big enough to house a small bird or rodent, sat on the bed.

"Kaito? If you can understand me, give me a sign right now." Maki hissed as she stared right at the small mouse, trying not to disturb Angie as she prayed at the alter. Kaito had been huddled in the corner the first minute he was put in the cage, but now he seemed to be more comfortable and less stressed out. He didn't seem to have heard Maki as he was glancing about the caravan. His eyes then landed on something. Maki followed his gaze as best she could. Her eyes landed on some cheese that was hung up. Giving Kaito another look, Maki carefully stood up. She kept her balance as best she could as the wagon moved along the road. She once again did her best not to disturb Angie's praying as she gently took off a tiny piece of the cheese. She slowly sat back down on the bed next to Kaito. He was staring up at her with dark coloured eyes, but she had a feeling that it was the food that he was mainly staring at. As soon as Maki slipped it through the bars, he grasped it in his paws, immediately nibbling away at it. Guess he was just hungry. Did that mean that he did understand her? Or was it just the fact that he was a mouse?

"Aw! That's adorable." Angie suddenly cooed as she stood up.

"I'm still not happy with this arrangement." Maki said, glaring a little at her. It took everything she had not to threaten her. Angie continued to smile, unaware of Maki's glaring. Normally people would be nervous just by her glaring. Kaito was an exception as he was used to it by now. Angie, however, just ignored it as if it were nothing.

"How about Atua tells you your future through me?" Angie smiled, pulling out a chair in front of Maki.

"No thank you, I'm not into that." Maki declined as politely as she could. She never believed in fortune telling or palm reading. It was all just cliche nonsense to her. The last thing that she needed to hear right now was something that could possibly be made up.

"You dare doubt Atua?" Angie gasped as if she was surprised by Maki's rejection to her offer.

"No offence to your God but I don't believe in fortune telling." Maki sighed, folding her arms to try to keep her hands away from the white haired girl.

"Nonsense. It is not fortune telling. It is the will of Atua." Angie giggled, reaching forward.

"I-" Maki tried to protest, but it was too late. Angie had already grabbed her hand and gently pulled off her glove. Maki sighed in defeat. She may as well go along with this. She won't listen to it if Angie suddenly says something about Maki finding love in her future or some other cliche. Angie traced her finger along Maki's palm, almost tickling her. She had her eyes closed, humming almost silently as she touched every line on Maki's palm. Maki rolled her eyes at this. This palm reading seemed to be falling into another cliche. Maki was so lost in her own thoughts that she barely felt something suddenly climbing onto her shoulder until she heard a familiar tired voice.

"Nyeh? Is Angie doing a palm reading for you? Very suspicious." It said. Maki sharply looked at her shoulder. Himiko had shrunk herself and suddenly made herself comfortable on Maki's shoulder. Maki looked to see that there was a tiny door by the bed, no doubt leading to the front of the caravan. Himko laid on her stomach, lazily watching as Angie continued to trace Maki's palm. Maki didn't feel like there was any point in telling her to get off. Besides she wasn't doing any harm.

"Atua tells me that you have no past. That you have been living in a fog. But there is also a dark cloud around you too. Why is that?" Angie suddenly asked, looking up at Maki in concern. Maki was quite surprised to hear that. She had her fortune told before as part of her cover for a hit. It didn't start off like that. Living in a fog? Dark cloud? It could've just been a guess, but something inside Maki told her that wasn't the case. She didn't want to answer Angie's question because it wasn't any of her business. However, she felt like she was pressured into saying it as both girls were looking at her expectedly. Maki glanced down at Kaito. He seemed to be watching, but Maki still wasn't sure if he was able to understand what was going on. On the off chance that he didn't, Maki finally gave up. If he didn't understand, then he won't remember any of this, and she won't get any unnecessary pity from him.

"I grew up in an orphanage. I have no memories of my parents. I was just dumped on the orphanage's doorstep." Maki finally said, her eyes half lidded. Himiko and Angie listened carefully to her. "When I was ten, some men came to orphanage. I overheard them saying that they'd donate a huge sum of money every year if they adopted a kid. I volunteered to go. Turned out that the men were assassins that were scouting for new talent. The "dark cloud" that your Atua sees is most likely from my life as an assassin."

"I see." Angie mutters as she and Himiko looked nervous, the Mage shifting uncomfortably on Maki' shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill either of you. I have no reason to." Maki was quick to reassure them. They seemed to have calmed down a little with Himko sitting down more comfortably on Maki's shoulder and Angie continued to look at Maki's palm.

"So, you're still working with the cult?" Himiko asked, starting to become more curious.

"No. The king and queen in the neighbouring kingdom took care of them. However, when they heard about my skills and circumstances they hired me and took the orphanage under their protection." Maki sighed, remembering every detail of that day. The day when the royal guards stormed the assassins' hideout and arrested everyone they saw. Almost all of them were executed a day later. Only Maki was spared. She told the royals her story and begged them to take care of the orphanage after she was gone. She was ready to die. However, the royals decided to spare her, but on one condition. She was to assassinate Junko. When Maki had done it, she would be free and the orphanage would be taken care of by the royals.

"I see. Atua also tells me that while you're surrounded in darkness, you still have a bright light in your heart. It's small, but Atua says that it'll grow brighter very soon." Angie suddenly smiled, bringing light after the grim story that she had heard.

"It's probably because I'm with this idiot." Maki mumbled, glancing down at Kaito. He stared back up at her before curling up, most likely trying to sleep. Maki gently pulled away from Angie, having enough of this palm reading.

"Nyeh? You two must be pretty close. Are you two-" Himiko muttered loud enough for Maki to hear her.

"Don't be stupid. We barely know each other." Maki sighed as she slipped her glove back on, with her cheeks unknowingly turning into a light shade of pink. "Besides I don't know anything about love anyway." Angie and Himko didn't seem to believe her, but didn't add anything to that. They decided to let the subject go for the time being. Maki felt a bit of relief from that. She had enough of people skiing her needless questions. It's not like what she said as important in the first place. Why would anyone care about her anyway?

"Do you mind if I sleep in your hair? It looks very soft." Himiko suddenly asked, scaling down Maki's hair as if it were rope.

"Just make sure that you don't get tangled in it." Maki sighed, not feeling the will to say no. Himiko mumble to herself tiredly as she carefully stepped onto one of Maki's ponytails. She made a small nest and curled up in it, falling asleep almost immediately. "Remind me that she's there in case I need to stand up." Angie nodded eagerly before she suddenly grabbed a book and pencil. She started to sketch in it. She glanced up at Himiko's sleeping form, then at Maki as she was drawing. Maki wasn't comfortable with being sketched, but didn't have the energy to argue back. She didn't know where that came from, but put it down to talking about her past. She was quite surprised at how open she was. That was the first time that she spoke about her past to anyone. She snuck a glance down at Kaito. He was still looking up at her. She wasn't sure what he was trying to tell her. She had a feeling that he was in a way telling her that everything was going to be okay, but it was hard to tell. As he finally laid his head down to rest, Maki told herself that Kaito couldn't possibly be trying to reassure her. He was just a mouse right now at the moment. Hopefully when he's human again, he'll not remember everything that was said. Like she thought before, she doesn't need any of his unnecessary pity.

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