Chapter 18: Warning

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As soon as she was done with her current tasks, Kirumi went as swiftly as she could to the second floor. She didn't know how long those two guests would wait, but she didn't want to keep them for too long. She had other things to do, but decided to get this done and out of the way first. It seemed to be quicker than everything else. She approached a certain door and patiently knocked on it. She hoped who she was looking hadn't gone out without her knowledge. If there was anything she hates more than taking days off, was to leave a task undone. She felt relieved but remained her composure as she heard movement inside the room. A young man with green tea coloured hair and green eyes opened the door after a few seconds. He looked a little tired after his travelling. He wore a white shirt with a light green leather vest, brown trousers and black boots. His attire seemed to be lightweight, making it easier for his travels. Around his neck was a crystal pendulum, a souvenir that he got from a town that specialised in crystals.

"Pardon me, Rantaro." Kirumi said, her voice completely calm.

"Is everything okay, Kirumi?" Rantaro asked, sounding concerned. Kirumi never had much of a reason to see him unless it was an emergency.

"Yes. There are a couple of travellers that require assistance in regards to their map. I thought that maybe you could help them out." Kirumi explained, once again sounding completely calm as to not make her frequent guest worried.

"I'll be right down." Rantaro smiled, looking eager to help out fellow travellers. Kirumi quickly gave him a clear description of the pair that she was describing, before going back to her duties. If she was unable to help out her two new guests, she hoped that Rantaro would give them the answers that they need.


Kaito and Maki were still looking at the map by time the innkeeper made her way back downstairs. She made eye contact with them and gave the a small nod, telling them that they just need to wait a little longer for whom they were waiting for. Kaito gave a small wave as thanks and allowed the innkeeper to get back to work. He quickly studied the map again with Maki. They tried to see if there were any alternative routes, in case the blacked out area was somewhere that they couldn't go. They found one road, but they didn't know how much time would be added to their journey. This was starting to become more of a concern.

"Heard you wanted to see me?" A voice suddenly made itself know to the two. They looked up as a green haired young man approached them. He extended out a hand to Kaito. "Name's Rantaro."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kaito, this is my friend Maki." Kaito said kindly as he shook the hand offered to him. After shaking his hand, Rantaro shook Maki's before giving it a small kiss. Kaito couldn't help but feel a jab of...something? Was that jealousy? No, it couldn't be. Most men kiss a woman's hand all the time Kaito hand noticed. If it was jealousy, it was wasted as Maki promptly pulled her hand away from the stranger, looking unimpressed by the gesture. Rantaro shrugged a little and sat down next to Kaito.

"So what can I help you with?" He asked, glancing at the two.

"This black area on our map. We just got it and we don't know what this area is." Maki explained before Kaito could get a word out. Rantaro looked over the map, letting out a quiet hum. His face immediately looked a little grim as he glared at the area in question on the map. This didn't look good.

"That's Web Valley. Or as I like to call it: "The Valley of Death". You don't want to go anywhere near that area." Rantaro warned, making eye contact with both Kaito and Maki as he said this.

"Why?" Kaito asked, unable to suppress a slight shake in his voice.

"No one goes anywhere near that place. People who go in there, they never come out. Even animals steer clear of it." Rantaro explained, his face turning a little dark. This didn't sound good at all. Web Valley sounded a lot worse than Rantaro meant it to. Kaito and Maki didn't know if he was exaggerating or not, but they hoped that he was.

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