Chapter 38: Taking Back What Was Lost

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Junko looked right up at Kaito. He was panting a little from the fight, but his stance remained strong. He glared down at the woman, daring her to try to move. Junko stared at the weapon for a few seconds. She suddenly burst out laughing, as if she were enjoying this. Kaito tries not to falter, but he showed it on his face that he was a little freaked out at this. This woman truly was insane. The way that she laughed made him feel like she wanted him to kill her. She wanted to feel death. Kaito had been on the verge of death himself when faking his own, and it wasn't pleasant. He was just floating in a void. Not dead, but not alive either. Before he remembered how it led to that, he almost wished that death would claim him, so he could see his loved ones again. He never wanted to experience that again. However, for someone like Junko wanting to taste the despair of death, he can understand why. Especially if this woman is that psychotic.

"Go on. It's what your parents would want. It's what your people want." Junko urged, keeping her wide smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She truly wanted him to kill her.

"No. Like I said, I'm nothing like you." Kaito said, his tone holding a clear warning. Junko's excitement faded as he pulled his sword away from her. "I'm giving you one chance. You and all of your followers leave. Don't mess this chance up." Junko didn't respond to that. She looked extremely disappointed. She was clearly in despair that she wasn't getting her way. Kaito noticed something around Junko's neck. He didn't notice it during the fight, too focused on staying alive. It was his pendent. The one that proved who he really was. Clearly, Junko thought that it would be funny to wear it as a final insult to him. He didn't hesitate in ripping it off of the disgraced woman's neck. He looked down at it with some pride. He has his family treasure back. Now just one thing that he needed to take back. Keeping his eyes on the fake Queen, Kaito slowly started stepping backwards towards Maki. His priority to get her out first was unchanged. There was just one small hitch in the plan and he dealt with it. If Junko knew better, she'll walk away without causing more problems.

Kaito kept his eyes on Junko until he felt like he was close enough to Maki. He was confident that Junko wouldn't try anything right now. He turned around, keeping his sword in hand just in case. He untied the gag as quick as he could, giving Maki some form of relief. It was awkward doing it with one hand, but Kaito was able to do it.

"You okay?" He asked, getting ready to start freeing Maki's hands.

"Yeah. I-LOOK OUT!" Maki suddenly screamed, her eyes widening in alarm. Kaito spun on his heel. More than once today, things happened all too fast. There was a sickening sound of flesh being pierced and a shocked gasp. Junko stood just a metre away from Kaito, a long, black and white dagger in hand. Her face was a mixture of shock and horror as she looked down. Kaito followed her gaze and almost felt sick. As he spun around, he had his sword pointed out in front of him. As Junko tried to stab him from behind, she caught herself on the weapon before she could stop her actions. It ran right through her stomach and pierced violently out of her back. Dropping her dagger, Junko looked up at Kaito again. This time, her face contorted to that of psychotic glee. Before Kaito could stop her, she pushed herself off of his sword. She stumbled back several steps, clutching her stomach until her fell backwards. She blocked out the pain that she felt, and started laughing maniacally.

"So this is how the despair of death feels." She laughed, her voice echoing throughout the room. She kept laughing until her strength started to give out. "How hopelessly beautiful..." She let out a few more bouts of laughter before she died with a literal smile on her face. Her eyes remained wide open, wider than a couple of dinner plates. So, she got her wish after all. Kaito looked at her with pity before shaking it off. The woman had her chance, her only chance and she choose to waste it. This wasn't entirely on him. That was all her actions. Ignoring the body, Kaito traded his sword for the dagger the former queen had dropped. He turned back towards Maki and immediately cut her down. The second her feet touched the ground, she stumbled a little, not used to standing after a long time of being hung. Kaito held her close to him, stroking what was left of her once long hair. They were both shaking, all from adrenaline, fright, anger and relief of being like this again. Nothing else mattered around them. They were just happy to be like this again.

"Sorry I kept you waiting." Kaito said, pulling away a little and caressed Maki's face.

"How on earth-" she started to ask with a somewhat relieved smile on her face.

"I'll explain later." Kaito smiled, letting out a stifled laugh, knowing what was it be asked of him. Maki joined him, almost crying instead of laughing. Neither cared what state they were in, they were just glad to be with each other again. That was all that mattered to them in that moment. They were so close to losing each other. They were so close to losing everything that meant too much for them to lose. Now that they were like this, they felt a huge wave of warmth and relief to hold each other like this again.

Kaito raised Maki's chin ready to give her a kiss that he knew she needed. Maki smiled, ready to accept it. However, her eyes suddenly spotted something. She didn't seem alert or tense. She seemed a little sad. Curious, Kaito followed her gaze. Up high, near the ceiling of the room, was an orb. Kaito expected it to play a final message from Junko, but after standing there with it doing nothing he finally realised. Junko had set it up. No doubt it was showing the whole kingdom what had happened and what will happen. Maki slowly slipped out of Kaito's grip, her hand lingering in his as she stepped back. Kaito looked at her out of sadness and confusion. She only gave him a small, sad smile, no other answer than that. She got down on one knee, bowing her head at him out of respect.

"Your Majesty." Was all that she said as she held that position. Kaito blinked in surprise. Then he looked down at the pendent still clenched in his hand. The dragon on the pendent seemed to be staring right back at him. That's right. Kaito had defeated Junko. She had killed his parents and took everything he should've had. Now that she's gone, he got everything back. He was just a normal guy that had (and still has) a fascination with the stars for as long as he could remember. Almost two weeks ago, he met Maki and was taken for the greatest adventure he'd probably ever have in his life. When he was arrested and before his "death", he was a prince. Now, he was suddenly a king. So much has happened all too fast in one day.

Seems that Kaito's biggest challenge yet has now begun.

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